3.A Day with Ria

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You know, for the past few years my school days had become monotonous; the previous one similar to the last one and truly speaking I had started getting sick of them but now all I wish for is those days to come back. Maybe the Pussycat Dolls are right, 'Careful what you wish for because you just might get it!'


5 am: swimming, I just love it. The best way to start a day!

6 am: Breakfast

6:30: lecturing Kartik about 'why do we need to drink milk'

7 am: morning studying (I need to complete the just another exercise of trig, that's all, mom!)

7:45: helping Layla with her 'piggy-tails' and then off to school!

8 am: school starts

8:15: rounds for uniform check

8:30: punishing the uniform defaulters

9 am: class starts

9:30: avoiding mona's notes saying ' baby girl Harman is staring at you like a mad-man; like is seeing you for the first time or something.' ( I really need to do something about her language. Or she needs to tease me in code words, what if someone sees it?)

10 am: The teacher leaves the class because of the principals' call, Ria to mind the class.

10:30: Aiya flirts with Harman, goes and sits with him and giggles about something silly

10:32: my eyes express discomfort and jealously turn towards them and ask them to shut up( Not because I am jealous, just because I need to mind the class and Aiya needs to mind her hands.)

10:33: Harman turns red, readily apologizes and gets and sits next to Mona.

10:34: Mona sheepishly giggles at me.

10:35: I don't giggle(I can't! I am minding the class! ) but express my relief through what? My eyes again!!

10:50: Aiya comes and makes a comment "Sorry, Ria if you felt bad that I sat near your boyfriend"

10:51: Harman nervously starts giving explanations like " Aiya, its nothing of the sort you are thinking", but I stop him.

10:55: Then three things happen at the same time....... Harman's cheek turns dark pink (Really! He is so fair that when he blushes, very often around me then looks like a swollen apple!)......Aiya's face losses its color......and the whole class bursts into laughter as I reply " Aiya, a relationship between a girl and a guy can be something more than just infatuation, more than the mushy-mushy love but its clearly visible that you fail to understand it. Maybe you never got time to make friends with the opposite gender while flirting around with almost 90% of its population in the school, I know it explains, poor you". Okay I know it might sound mean, but then she was playing with fire...so a burn is natural, isn't it?

11 am: the teacher enters the class and enquires about the reason for Aiya standing near the table...and I inform her that Aiya is interested in writing a 1000 words article about the topic 'Can guys and girls ever be just friends?' for the school newspaper which is going for printing in the next two days.

11:01: the class giggles and Aiya are left dumbstruck ( never written more than a 'Notice', I wonder if she even knew 1000 words!)

11:30: Lunch Break. But rather than eating their food, the class is feeding the students of the other sections with the masala-mix incidence of the previous period.

11:40: Aiya has already got about 20 comments from students of various divisions about her on-off with the School Prefect, although she went out only till the washroom.

11:50: Done with the break checking; no bullying in the canteen, everyone's in a line; somebody had lost 50 bucks, announced on the PA system and returned to the rightful owner; a petty fight on the 2nd floor in the boy's toilet handled and sorted by Mr. Harman ( well even he's a discipline perfect with me and four other students. I could have handled this fight on my own as well but then I don't like to roam around that stinky little boy's toilet! ), students name handed to the sports-teacher (who'll make them run at least 3 round of that huge playground of ours, poor guys but then who had asked them to break each other's nose?)

12:10 pm: started with my lunch and Mona started with her talks..... From

which I only heard 'why don't you/ by the way/ tell me that/ he likes you', ' I will if you won't' .............. and these sentences were repeated at least 20 times while I munched on the night's-left-over-microwaved-still-yummy-mushroom-pizza...and talking to Maria and Yamini about whether 'Priyanka and Shahid' will make a good couple or not? You know, Mona was the only one who asked or basically scolded me about that whole Aiya incident in the whole school, even Harman had just shyly said 'thanks' to me ( God! This guy is blushing too much nowadays. But then hormones are as deadly for guys as for girls in this age. Yeah, it must be those hormones, those deadly hormones! ).

There are very few people who give me an honest opinion, or basically tell me about my weaknesses or mistakes, which mainly includes Mona ( the monster ) and Kartik (the crazy) and obviously my mum ( the best). These are the only few people who can see me like a normal human being rather than a goddess or the-always-right- obedient-student. They accept me for what I am, who I am and not the image I have! And it really feels good when you know, someone like that is out there with whom you don't have to care about your image, you don't have always be right or the

best, you can just be yourself!

12:15: another class. No commotion. No drama( thank god)

12:45: Editorial- Meet (includes me, Mona and Harman along with 25 more

students from all the classes)Mona is the Chief Editor of the Editorial group so that means once she says okay to something to be published it can't be stopped, neither by the teachers nor the Principal -only if a majority of students oppose it or maybe the head girl –head boy, can it be stopped! (One thing I really like about the Greenway International School is that when it says children have all the powers, they mean that and the faculty trusts us and our decisions)

1:30: After the daily dispersal and last round of checking, hanging in the

canteen, sharing an ice-cream with Mona -we all are broke ( I spend my last penny of the month in that gold-bracelet I gifted Mona on friendship day, and she on the new phone was longing to have...) but in May's summer heat living without ice-cream was next to impossible!

2:30: Back home, done with lunch. Rekha Didi ( housekeeper) is asleep. Mom's out ( big play tonight), dad's out ( as usual). Kartik's on his

game boy ( boys!!!).I am in bed with Layla for a midday nap, she's afraid of sleeping alone ( I don't blame her, even I was when I was six)

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