CHP. 15 • Humiliated •

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Science class had begun and currently we were taking down notes from a slide show that Miss Mendeleiev had created. As per usual Nath was seated next to me, probably drawing something.

The teacher turned around and scanned the desks of her classroom. Suddenly, her eyes landed on Nathaniel, causing me to also glance at him. With a jolt of worry, I realised that he had dozed off, however, with the glare that Miss Mendeleiev was giving, it appeared to be much too late to wake him up now.

"Mr. Kurtzberg! Wake up!" she yelled. Most of the class turned around to stare at Nathaniel and some even laughed. I cast him an apologetic gaze but he didn't seem to notice as he blushed furiously from evident embarrassment.

"Perhaps if you stopped spacing out in class you would not be failing science!" snapped the teacher, "Go to the principal's office immediately!"

I stared in horror at Nath as he stood up with shaky legs. He grabbed his sketchbook that lay on the table and began to quickly make his way down the steps towards the door of the classroom.

As thought things weren't already bad enough for him, Nathaniel tripped and was sent plummeting to the ground with all of his stuff becoming scattered on the floor. Then, Chloe being the queen of humiliation, picked up his sketchbook and began flicking through it.

"Ha! I knew it!" She exclaimed, "Nathaniel truly does have a crush on Y/N. Look! All he draws is her. Kinda creepy if you ask me" she spoke, wrinkling her nose at the end.

I could practically feel Nathaniel's humiliation, as his face turned even redder and a look of horror washed over his features.

"Give that back!" he yelled, reaching out to grab his sketchbook. Most of the class laughed and some sent me suggestive looks to see my reaction. However, my face was fixed into an angry scowl, causing many of them to turn around immediately.

Nathaniel scrambled out of the classroom as fast as possible and lightly slammed the door behind himself. I felt extremely bad for Nath at that moment, so I decided to follow him.

"Miss Mendeleiev!" I called, gaining her attention, "Can I please go to the bathroom? It's urgent" I pleaded with her. The teacher gave me a blank look but eventually caved in.

"Fine, but make it quick" she spoke, indicating towards the door of the classroom. I flashed her an appreciative smile and swiftly made my way out into the corridor.

I ran as quickly as I could in the direction of the principal's office in an attempt to find Nathaniel. After making a few twists and turns, I finally managed to spot him.

"Hey Nath! Wait up!" I called, causing him to turn around briefly. He had a blank look on his face but since I knew him rather well, I could easily identify the hurt and humiliation behind his eyes. I finally caught up to him and stopped to catch my breath momentarily.

"Nath, I'm sorry, I-I should have woken you up before Miss Mendeleiev looked around the class. None of this would have happened if it weren't for-"

"Y/N, stop" he muttered, "none of this is your fault. Just go back to class so you won't get in trouble too." I gave him a long apologetic look causing Nath to sigh and cast his gaze to the ground.

Suddenly, a familiar fluttering sound shook me out of my thoughts. My eyes snapped upwards to stare at the dark butterfly as it gradually flew towards Nathaniel.

"Nath! Move! Now!" I yelled, but it was too late. The butterfly had already implanted itself into the pencil Nathaniel was holding and a glowing purple outline of a butterfly appeared in front of his face. Hawkmoth's voice began speaking and I roughly grabbed Nathaniel by the shoulders to try shake him out of it.

"Yes Hawkmoth" he spoke and I quickly let go of him as a purple magma-like substance transformed him into a supervillain. I stared in shock at Nathaneil's evilized self, as from what I remember, it was an almost perfect replica of the drawn character 'Super Nathan'.

The villain stared at me with narrowed turquoise eyes and I almost lost my balance when he walked up to me. Suddenly, he grasped my hand and placed a chaste kiss on it.

"I will see you later my darling" he grinned, before sprinting off in the opposite direction, no doubt, to cause mayhem. I froze on the spot as a steady blush rose to my cheeks.

'Did he just call me... darling?'

Saviour || Nathaniel Kurtzberg x Reader || COMPLETED ✓Where stories live. Discover now