Chapter Five: It's not love it's lust!

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After the awkward and slightly painful party last week, Elizabeth and Steve-O had continued to text but it was distant. He felt bad, but his heart still hurt. He had promised to go to hers, but cowardly got out of it, blaming in on a 'change in his script'. He knew she didn't believe him, but she had been polite about it.

"Didn't you have other plans?" Chris asked, tying his hair up.

"Was just supposed to be going to Elizabeth's house." He said, nonchalantly. Chris paused.

"You were going to go to Elizabeth's house?"


"But you instead decided you would much rather be here and get shot with tasers and shit then be at a models home?"


Chris remained silent for a moment, as if processing what Steve-O had just said. "It's official, you're a dumb ass."

Steve-O scoffed. "Tell me something I don't know."

"You just totally blew an awesome opportunity." He sighed, leaving Steve-O alone. Steve-O couldn't help but agree.


Steve-O sighed, placing the ice pack on his ribs. Though the stunt had been fun, it had hurt.

"Spoke to Elizabeth yet?" Chris asked, sitting on the couch next to him.

"Who?" Preston asked.

"That hot chick he saw at the grocery store we were talking about before."


"No, she hasn't returned any of my texts."

Chris sighed. "Stop pussy footing about and just call her!"

Steve-O said nothing.

"What's her name? Elizabeth...?" Preston asked smiling. 

Steve-O squinted his eyes. "As if I'd tell you that!"

"Don't be a dick 'O!"

"Fine, her name's Elizabeth...Elizabeth Chapel." He instantly regretted telling them.

"I'M GONNA GO GOOGLE HER!" Chris laughed, running off.

"You fucker!"

Preston laughed. "I'm sure he won't find anything," He assured.

"Well she's a model.."

"Really? You got a model?"

"What's so unbelievable about that?"

"Nothing! Nothing..."

Steve-O frowned.

"Well, I've got to do my stunt now. See you." Preston smiled, walking off.

Steve-O sighed. Those fuckers...


"Hi, my name's Johnny Knoxville and welcome to Jackass!" Elizabeth cringed as she watched them all get chased by bulls. She had been missing Steve-O, so had resorted to watching him do stupid stuff.

"This is the man you went on a date with?" Ava asked incredulous. Elizabeth nodded.

"When he said stunts, I didn't think he meant life threatening stunts!" 

"Oh körsbär, you have a strange taste in men. Gud hjälpe detta barn." 

"I'm not sure what you said, but I'm probably gonna agree with you."

Ava laughed. "Do you want some more tea?" Ava asked, pausing the TV. Elizabeth could only manage a small smile.

"Yes please, you always know how to make me happy."

"You're not hard to please, just like David." Ava winked playfully. Elizabeth pulled a face.

"That's disgusting," She moaned trying to ignore Ava's cackles. 

"What is?" David asked, walking into the living room.

"Nothing." Ava came back holding two cups of tea, passing one to Elizabeth she sipped her own. 

"Hey babe," David grinned, kissing Ava's neck.

"Not when I'm in the room thank you." Elizabeth said in disgust. 

"Then leave." David said, still kissing Ava. Elizabeth sighed, but did it anyway. That's how it was most of the time; them forcing her to leave the room because they couldn't keep it in their pants. 

Walking up the stairs, Elizabeth's phone buzzed in her pocket. A smile lit her face when she saw who the caller was.

"Hey Steve," 

"Hey Elizabeth..."

Elizabeth felt her heart sink.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come check out the set of Jackass? Bam's wife does it all the time so you wouldn't get into trouble. I just thought it would be cool to meet some of the idiots I work with."

"You want me to visit?"

"Well yeah, you're my friend. And I think we need to clear the air."

Elizabeth chewed her lip. "Would you be doing any stunts?"

"A few, some of them where I get hurt but other ones where we just piss people off together."

"When were you thinking?"

"Any time your free?"

"Next week I'm mostly free."

"You can come next week then, I'll tell everyone you're coming. I gotta go now, I'm helping Johnny with a stunt, bye!"

"Be careful-" The line went dead. Elizabeth stared at the phone for a few seconds before she crawled into bed.


"Was that her?" Chris asked, passing Steve-O a bottle of water.

"Yeah, I invited her to the set next week if that's cool?"

"I'm fine with that."

Steve-O nodded.

"I googled her. Turns out she is a model, me and Preston didn't believe you at first and she's sort of a high end one too. Does Vogue and shit. I signed up to her fan page."

"She has a fan page?"

"She's kinda big you douche."

"Huh, she never told me? Just said she was a small time model."

"Weird. I also found out that she had a very public break up with an ex, it got really ugly."

"Wait, wait?" Steve-O asked.

"What are you ladies talking about?" Johnny Knoxville asked, sweaty and breathless. Chris ignored Steve-O.

"Steve-O's bringing a girl next week." Chris said, throwing another water bottle to Johnny.

"Thanks, and a girl? Is it that Elizabeth?" He asked, sitting on a stool.

"His model girlfriend." Preston corrected him.

"She's not my girlfriend." He said hotly, feeling his cheeks burn.

"Aw, is this love?" Chris asked, batting his eyelashes at him. 

"Of course not," Johnny said seriously. "It's not love, this is Steve-O we're talking about. It's just lust."

"See, Johnny gets it." Steve-O said nodding  his head, but somewhere deep down, he knew he was wrong. 

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