I know youre scared

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Sergeant Topaz, 23 years old female........."

Blinding lights hitting my eyes, voices so many voices around me.

"Unit was attacked while helping a local village........"

Isa and Aiyara.

"Is Isa okay, did they find Aiyara?"

"Gunshot wound to the right shoulder no exit wound found, the bullet is still inside of her. She has 3 possible cracked ribs could be more, we won't know for sure until we do an x-ray..............."

"Make sure that someone contacts the family. They deserve to know about her being here that's the least we can do for them."

"Yes, Dr. Woods." one nurse says before she walks out of the exam room.

"No! Please don't call them!"

"She has a concussion and a bad head wound that will require a few staples. The right leg is cut pretty badly and might be fractured."

"Why aren't they listening? Can they even hear me?"

I don't know if I said those words out loud, or if I thought of them. All I know is that I have a lot of people surrounding me and no one seems to notice I'm awake. I can hear and feel everything that's going on with me and around me.

One doctor applies pressure to my ribs and the pain that shoots through my body is the worse pain I've ever felt.


Taken back by the noise that leaves my mouth all the doctors stop and looks at my face. No one knew that I was awake let alone that I had been for a while.

Dr. woods rushes to my side.

"Sergeant Topaz?! Sergeant, can you hear me?"

"You're going to be okay, everything's going to be okay..........."

It's like a switch is flipped inside of my brain, everything is silenced. No matter how hard I try to force myself to hear him I can't. I try to tell him that I can't hear him but something's stopping me. Looking down, I see a tube sticking out of my mouth, panic rises in my chest. So much so that my heart rate increases at an alarming rate.

"Sergeant Topaz I need you to calm down.............."

"Take it out! Take it out!" I scream inside my head.

"I know you're scared but........."

Something's wrong, it feels like someones pressing mute on a TV remote just for fun. Sounds coming and going beyond my control.

Without warning, a shriek pierces my ears and I ball up my fists up tight to help with the pain that

radiates through my brain.

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