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"What should I do with this one?" I ask.

I hold up the page for my mother to see, and she glances up from her work at her desk to make a decision. 

"Well, is it from this year or last year?" she wonders. 

"It doesn't have a date," I answer. 

"Then keep it in that folder just to be safe."

I'm pretty sure it's sunny today. It was when I came in, although I wouldn't know now. I often wish my mother's office had a window, but I know her office is surrounded by several other rooms, so the best view she would get is of the maid's closet. Thankfully, I'm almost done for the day, and then I'll be able to go join my friends to finish solving the mystery that we left open yesterday. 

To do with the floor of the sixth level, that was repaired to the best of the maintenance workers' abilities, although it remains blocked off by signs warning people not to step there. It's not even a metal patch job, because the metal square that dropped out was too damaged to be put back, so now it's just a wooden board. It bends when you step on it. I definitely won't be testing it myself, and Buffy, as brave as she is, certainly won't, because she's smart enough to learn from past events. 

As I'm putting away the folder back on the bookshelf, I hear a knock on the door, and my mother stands up in and instant. With the respect she emanates, you'd think she were seeing the captain walk in, when when I turn to look, it's just TJ.

"Hello, Mr. Kippen," she says.

"Hi, Dr. Goodman," he replies. Then he flicks his eyes to me, giving me a smile before looking back to my mom. "May I borrow your son for a bit?"

"Certainly," my mom replies. "Cyrus would be delighted to serve you. Right, honey?"

She looks at me, telling me with her eyes to be respectful and help the boy, but little does she know I have no objections toward doing so. 

"Of course," I say. 

I leave what I'm doing and join TJ in a walk down the hallway. As soon as we're out of view from the office, he takes a step in closer, filling the space between us so that we're not so far apart anymore. I can feel his hand brushing against mine with each swing, and I can't say I mind it. 

"So where exactly are we going?" I question. 

"I'm going to show you something," he replies. 

"What are you going to show me?"

"You'll see."

"Is it something I've heard of before?"

"Do you always ask this many questions?"


He glances down at me and smiles, responding, "Good thing I don't mind it."

"That is good," I agree with a grin of my own. "Can I guess what it is?"

TJ lets out a sigh which turns into a laugh as he pulls open a door and motions for me to go through first. 

"Thank you," I say. 

"You're welcome. Just go up these stairs."

The stairwell is dim, but it's lit by actual lightbulbs, so that's pretty cool. I start up the spiral staircase, sensing TJ as he follows close behind. After climbing for a while, I start to wonder where he's taking me, but that ends when I push open the door and step into a huge circular room with a glass dome ceiling covering me from the wind. 

Gazing up is incredible. I've never been able to look up and see just sky without another floor or buildings blocking some of my view. But now, cirrus clouds swirl over the sky like candy floss, and sunlight hits me straight on. 

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