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I'm walking through the hallway, on my way to start helping my mom at her office, when I spot a blonde boy to my left. After making the plan with my friends last night, I had an idea, and I was surprised I didn't think of it before, since it seems so obvious. I'm about to go over to TJ when I notice his sister stop him to talk to him. I wait behind the wall, peering cautiously around the corner to avoid being seen waiting for him. I know his sister doesn't exactly think I should talk to him. 

"TJ," Amber says, "Mom wants you to go to the tailor's room to try on your suit now."

"Just give me a minute," TJ responds. "I'm already behind on my English work, and I need to finish that."

"Fine, but when Mom gets mad at you for being late, make sure she knows I did tell you."

"Kay, whatever," TJ huffs. 

I quickly hide my face, pressing myself up flat against he wall, when I see Amber start coming up the hall my way. Thankfully, rather than turn, she continues straight, passing me by. When she's gone, I step out to see TJ, and he looks to me with a smile through a tired face. 

"Oh, hey," he says. 

"Hey, um, I was wondering if you might be able to do me a favour."

He furrows his brows, saying, "What is it?"

"I need a book on Hungarian, and I know your library might have one, and I was wondering if you might be able to maybe get me in there?"

He looks like I just asked him to murder a puppy. 

"Cyrus, I can bring you where there isn't security, but captain is very protective about his library. I'm hardly even allowed in unless it's for schooling purposes. Do you know how much trouble I would get in if I let you in there?"

"You're right," I say. "I'm sorry I asked."

"I'm sorry—"

"It's okay."

He looks at me with sad eyes for another second, but I don't have anything else to say, so I just give him a nod of thanks and turn to continue on to my mother's office. I guess we'll have to do this the hard way. 


I've never seen Jonah in a suit before, but he's making it work. The girls are dressed to the nines too. They pulled out the dresses they usually save for weddings, and both of them look like they're ready to talk about diamonds with fancy business owners' wives. Andi's dress is sky blue and touching the floor. While Buffy doesn't like the restriction of long dresses, she recognizes the importance of one today, so the navy ruffles cover her ankles. 

As we step up onto the top floor, the piano and violin music steals the air with its romantic style, and the chatter of many mingling rich people wafts our way. The whole square is taken up for the party, with the street lights arched overhead illuminating the dancers in the centre. They're currently doing The Boston. 

"Okay," Buffy says, "let's try to get in and out as fast as we can."

She leads the way around the party, not giving a second thought to any of the festivities, but I lose her when I notice a familiar set of eyes in my peripheral vision. I consider hurrying up, since I'm not supposed to be here, and he must know that, but he's already seen me, so it wouldn't do anything. 

TJ is looking about a thousand times more attractive in his tux. A bronze-coloured waistcoat peeks out from behind his black tailcoat. He seems weirdly comfortable all dressed up, although I never imagined him to enjoy this kind of formalwear. He gives me a curious look as he walks toward me, making me stray from my friend group to talk to him. 

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