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"Sky," Icy called. "Which one looks better on me?"

Icy was trying different dresses to go out that night. She was hesitating between two of them; a red and a black one. Both of them were very short, reaching her mid thighs. It wasn't a miracle that Sky didn't like any of them.

This latter was playing Call of Duty on her Xbox, not giving much attention to her twin. All she did was nod as a response. It annoyed the blonde sister who stood in front of the TV, blocking Sky's view – who paused the game.

"What do you want?" she asked in annoyance.

"I want your opinions on my outfit for tonight," Icy said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Sky stood up, still ignoring her sister who was – literally – running after her. The brunette took a backpack and put some clothes in there to go out. She was sick of this routine.

She went to the kitchen and her father had a questioning look on his face as he observed her filling her bag with cookies. She shrugged at him when she saw him against the kitchen's door's frame.

"Dad, Sky doesn't want to give me her opinion on my outfit!" Icy cried, complaining with an innocent look, as fake as it was.

"Sky, what's wrong with you?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well, nothing!" She made as if she was in the clear. "It's my twin sister who's gonna prostitute herself in a club as always, not me."

Sky rolled her eyes in an immature way and, against both her father and Icy's yelling, got out. She was so stubborn sometimes.

At a late hour as this, she didn't even have where to go, but she kept driving her motorbike that she bought to herself on her 18th birthday while her parents were too caught up looking for a nice car to Icy because she kept on asking them for it. Sky liked working for things instead of beg for mercy like Icy.

On her way nowhere, or maybe to a motel, she passed by the neighborhood of a friend of her. She decided to call him. Peter didn't pick up and when she knocked on his door, his little sister told her that he was on a vacation to Malaysia with his friends. He was enjoying his summer instead of looking for somewhere to sleep like her.

Feeling terrible, Sky gave up and called someone she couldn't believe she was calling. It was her only chance to not waste money on motels.

"Sky? Why are you calling at midnight?" Michael asked through the phone.

"Can I come at yours, please?" she asked vulnerably.

"Yeah, sure."

She immediately drove to Michael's house. For once, she was grateful for him. He invited her to enter and they sat in the huge kitchen. Sky kept on thanking him and apologizing and somehow, she ended up crying. She didn't cry in ages, she practically never did. She didn't even cry when she fell from a tree at 6, or on her first break up at 14, or when she broke her leg from sky-boarding at 15. The only time she had actually cried was when she broke her surf-board a year ago; it was a precious present from her cousin that moved to Japan who was a professional surfer. He was the reason she started surfing and found joy in it in the first place.

Michael didn't know what to do with her; he never dealt with an Australian crying girl. So he hugged her and she immediately – and awkwardly – pulled away. Sky apologized again and wiped her tears and he asked her for explanations.

She told him the whole story, cursing at every sentence and calling Icy by 'that bitch'. "I'm sick of it, we're sisters! Why don't they consider me as their daughter? Why aren't they nice to me? They let her do everything and give her everything. It's like we aren't twins," she whined shoving two cookies at once.

"Wait, wait," Michael repeated quiet overwhelmed. "You left Call of Duty on pause?" he exclaimed accusingly.

They ended up laughing madly.


ive cut my hair like really really short it feels weird lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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