8 - Healing Touch

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He leaned in and whispered, "For the sake of the spells," as his magic enveloped her clothes, changing them into a single white towel draped across her hips.

She tensed and would have jumped up if not for a single, strong, and slightly cold hand on the small of her back. "Easy, Aite." He snapped the fingers of his free hand, locking the door. "One massage and you'll be back to running around,  causing all the trouble you'd like."

She rolled her eyes and settled back into the padding, hiding her embarrassment by turning her face away from him.

She heard the nearly inaudible pop of a bottle opening, then the wet sound of the liquid being rubbed between his hands. She assumed he was warming the oil between his hands, but refused to turn to see for herself.

Seconds later his hands, now wet with oil that smelled like lavender, returned to her shoulders. He slowly moved his hands from her shoulders down the middle of her back, stopping just short of the barely modest towel, and then back up, leaving behind a warm, tingling sensation that seeped into her muscles. In no time, the deep, throbbing ache she'd been fighting since waking up was slowly disappearing.

She bit back a sigh and settled even more into the table, silently cursing her stubbornness. She should have asked him for help days ago. If she'd have known how easily he could dispell the pain she'd been fighting, she would have.

His hands roamed all over her back, left to right, up and down, until not a whisper of her pain remained.

He whispered close to her ear, "I'm moving down to your legs now. Try not to tense up."

Seconds later, his hands started working their magic on her legs, and slowly the pain there disappeared as well. Right thigh, right calf, right foot. Left thigh, left calf, left foot.

Soon, every inch of her body was blissfully free of even the slightest pain.

Yet still his hands moved leisurely across her body, and she couldn't quite bring herself to protest.

The longer his hands moved across her body, the more intimate every stroke of his fingers became and the more intense the sensation became, the harder she had to work to conceal her reaction.

She closed her eyes for a moment and tried to steady her breathing.

"Everything alright?" He purred into her ear and she nearly moaned aloud.

She quickly jumped up, out of reach, materializing an outfit onto her oil slicked body. "I'm better now, thank you." She swallowed the thickness in her throat and made her way to the door, nearly panicking when she remembered it was locked.

"Allow me." Loki smiled, reaching past her to unlock the door.

She nodded a thanks in his direction and quickly bolted out the door as soon as it was open.

He watched her as she ran toward the apartments. "Cat's out of the bag, Aite." He smirked once she was out of sight.

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