9 - A Little Help

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"No," Natasha answered, her tone making it very clear she had no interest in helping him.

"Please." He begged, making her eyes grow to the size of saucers.

She couldn't believe her ears. Did he really just say please? Seriously? "Whoa. You must be really desperate."

"Midgard calls it Soulmates. On Asgard, it's called Threyja. It's the person you're meant for, who completes you in ways you didn't know you needed. Once you find that person, they become what keeps you going."

Aite all but danced in, slowing as she noticed the serious looks on their faces. "What's wrong? What did I do now?"

"Nothing " Natasha smiled. "Loki was just telling me all about Threyja."

Aite's eyes grew cold and distant. "You finally found her." She managed the fakest looking smile either of them had ever seen. "Congratulations, Loki. You'll pardon me if I don't feel the need to meet her, but you give Ms. Threyja my regards." She turned on her heel, leaving almost as quickly as she'd come.

"Huh." Natasha stared after her. "Yeah, you don't have any problems there, she's got it bad."

"What do you mean? She's not sick,  I healed her just yesterday."

Natasha closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. "We're going to need Thor's help on this one. Or maybe Jane." She opened her eyes almost laughed at the look on Loki's face. "Yeah. Definitely Jane."


Aite smiled at the lovesick look on Thor's face. Poor guy. Talk about a lost cause.

"How do I make her understand?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe talk to her." Aite advised, trying not to laugh. "Write her a letter. Ask Tony if you can borrow his phone?"

"It's not that simple."

"You're making it not simple."

"She is my Threyja. I can't continue without her."

Aite bristled. "I'd rather not talk about your brother's love life, thank you."

Jane knocked on the wooden doorway. "Can I come in?"

"Threyja!" Thor beamed, rushing forward to enfold her in his arms.

Aite's eyes bulged. She was nothing like what Aite had imagined. And why was she so affectionate toward Thor if she was destined to marry Loki?

Oh my Gods and Goddesses! Why was she kissing him?

"What in the name of the river Styx is going on here?" She demanded, glaring daggers at both of them. She may not be willing to step between him and this woman, but she would be damned if she was going to let Loki's brother swoop in and destroy the only happiness Loki would ever know.

"Forgive me, Lady Aite." Thor smiled warmly. "This is Jane Foster."

"Okay, I'm confused. I thought you called her Threyja."

"Threyja is a term. It means 'One I Love' in the same way Soulmates does here on Midgard."

Aite extended her hand to Jane. "I'm so sorry. I thought Threyja was a name." She shook Jane's hand and made a tray of fruit, cheese, and breads appear on the table between them. "It's the only thing Loki called-" She shook her head. "Nevermind. It's not important. Tell me all about yourself."


Aite lounged on the top of the bookshelf, wondering what her family would think of her budding crush on a man who was raised Asgardian but would one day rule Jotunheim.

Her father, no doubt, would be too busy running around Olympus with whatever female was scratching his itch this week.

Mother would be plotting her revenge for his extramarital adventures.

Aphrodite would be all for it, of course, even as she reminded Aite that her 'crush' started decades before her younger self was put into her magical coma.

She wasn't wrong.

Loki came across Aite's radar a long time ago, when she happened upon Thor and him on a random trip to Asgard.

She hadn't intended on meeting up ith the two princes in her treck across the countryside. Watching the younger, darker haired boy play tricks on his older, golder-haired brother was fun. Not as fun as weaving flowers and green ribbon into Thor's long, silken hair before she left, but close enough.

She turned on her side and smirked as Thor and Loki entered, bickering as usual. Thor followed behind his brother, nagging him about something or other.

Aite waved her fingers, causing Thor's long, golden hair to braid itself down his back, pausing every few moments to add a scrap of ribbon or a flower.

Loki turned dramatically, ready to confront Thor and end the argument,  only to stop mid sentence and blink stupidly.

"What are you staring at, brother?"

Aite burst out laughing, nearly tumbling off her perch.

"Glad to see you're in good spirits Lady Aite." Thor smiled at her, throwing her into another fit of giggles.

"What's so f-" Tony stopped, mid step and gawker at Thor.

"What is everyone staring at?" Thor asked as the others filed in, some stopping to stare, others hiding laughter behind their hands.

Tony pulled out his phone and took a picture.

"ENOUGH!" Loki bellowed, silencing them all. "Aite, conference room. NOW!"

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