Chapter 21

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Louis’ P.O.V.:

 Walking into my first class, I am automatically taken off guard. Liam is sitting at the front of the class. Why is he back already? I hesitantly walk over to him and sit down beside him like I used to do, “Hey, Louis.” “Um, hey.” “Look, I’m sorry for what I did. I deserved everything Harry did to me…” I try to just ignore him, but it’s hard to do when he won’t shut up with apologies and shit. When the professor finally let’s us leave, I get up as fast as I can and try to leave without Liam following me, but it’s no use. I feel someone slip their hand into mine and I automatically turn around and snatch my hand away, “Liam, what the hell?!” “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to practically hold your hand, I just needed to get your attention.” I roll my eyes, “Well, you’ve got it, now what do you want?” He sighs; I can tell I hurt his feelings, but I don’t really care, “Will you go out to lunch with me or something? So we can talk?” “Um, maybe another time. I need to get back to Harry.” “He has you really controlled, doesn’t he?” “He doesn’t control me, you dick!” He takes a step back at my tone of voice, “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Just please come out to lunch with me tomorrow?” “Fine, but don’t make me regret it.” I say and begin to walk off; I hear him say “Trust me, I won’t.” but I ignore him. Why does he want to go to fucking lunch with me? I go back to Harry’s dorm as fast as I can, trying to push Liam out of my mind completely. When I finally walk inside, Harry is lying on the bed just staring at the ceiling. I immediately think the worse about his meeting with his parents, “Harry?” He shoots up out of bed and brings me down on top of him, “Lou!” “Well, someone’s in a good mood.” “Guess what?” “What?” I ask, excited to hear the answer, “My mum actually came around… she wants to meet you, babe.” I smile, but it fades almost immediately, “What about your dad?” “Not quite as understanding… but that’s fine! One is better than none.” He squeezes me tighter, “I want to go out to dinner to celebrate.” “Alright, where are we going to go?” “17Black if that’s alright with you, of course?” He asks with a smile growing on his face, “Of course it’s alright. Why 17Black though?” “Because it was where we had our first date.” A stupid little grin comes onto my face and Harry automatically returns it, “So let’s go!” “Now?” “Yes, now!” He exclaims, pulling me up off of the bed and dragging me to his car. I smile the entire time to the restaurant, just thinking about meeting Harry’s mum. I mean, he has never properly introduced a boyfriend to her before… it was a big step in our relationship.

 While going to sleep that night, all I could think about was the next day meeting his mum. Was she even going to like me? What if she doesn’t? I feel Harry pull me closer to him, “What are you thinking about?” “Tomorrow.” I say, letting out a slow breath, “It’s going to be fine, Lou. She’ll love you.” “How are you so sure?” “Because you’re everything she wanted me to find in a girl. But I would always choose the opposite.” I laugh, “Just to spite her?” “No, just because I thought girls like that were boring… which they pretty much all were. But when I met you, my opinion on that changed… because you are perfect.” I smile and kiss him softly, “Now, let’s get to sleep. Stop worrying, love.” I nod and quickly fall asleep, still worrying, of course.

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