Chapter 60

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Louis’ P.O.V.        

 I can’t believe that Harry lied to me. I mean, we’ve both told our amount of lies to each other… but this was a huge lie. This was about our engagement… he only did this because he was fucking jealous and wanted to show Liam that he owned me and I am no ones property. I’m in our bedroom packing my things; I didn’t greet either one of his parents or tell them that I was leaving; I’m just going to leave. Before Harry gets home, because I don’t know if I will be able to handle seeing him upset… no matter how pissed off I am at him. I know that I broke his heart just as much as he broke mine. I’m packing my things as fast as I possibly can, but it is no use; Harry stumbles into our bedroom with tear stained cheeks and messy hair. “L-Lou?” “Hi…” “Please don’t leave.” “I have to, Harry.” I try to walk past him, but he grabs my arm, “I’ll go somewhere else, but please just stay here.” “Why?” “Because if you leave our house… then you’ll really be gone.” It hurts my heart to hear him pleading with me like this, but he’s the one who proposed to me only to prove a point to Liam. “I can’t.” I say, pushing him away from me. I hear him wince in pain and I want to rush over to him, but I know I need to keep my distance. I need to keep myself together. “Why are you hurt?” “I’m not hurt.” “Harry.” He sighs, “Because I punched something… and someone.” I look down at his knuckles and they are clearly broken, “Come here.” I say, leading him into the bathroom, “W-what are you doing?” “Cleaning you up.” “Why?” “Because you’re hurt and if I don’t do it, no one will.” I see a small smile appear on his face, but I try my best to contain mine. I’m supposed to be extremely pissed off at him… this is something serious. I fix up his knuckles as much as I know how to at home and even catch myself pushing his hair out of his face every once in a while. I get out of the bathroom floor where Harry is still sitting, “I should get going.” “No, please stay.” I sigh, “Where are you going to go?” “I’ll get a hotel room.” “Sleep in the floor.” “What?” “The floor. Just accept the offer before I change my mind.” Harry smiles, getting out of the bathroom floor immediately, “I’ll get blankets and pillows right now.” The truth is, if it were anyone else… I wouldn’t have let them sleep in the floor, but this is Harry. This is the man I love. I just want to be sure he actually does sleep and doesn’t stay up all night worrying about having nightmares… and if he does have a nightmare, I’ll be here to calm him down. Harry comes back to our room carrying three blankets and a pillow; he smiles the sweetest smile as he lays out his bed for the night. We crawl into our separate beds and I just stare at the ceiling, thinking about whether or not I made the right decision giving Harry my ring back. I mean, it’s not like I’m going to leave him… I may give him that impression sometimes, but I could never actually leave him. No matter how much something he does hurts me, it will never change anything between us. Just as I close my eyes, I hear Harry’s voice, “Lou?” “Yeah?” I can’t see him, but I know that he’s lying on his back with his hands under his head, staring at the ceiling, “Are we still planning our wedding?” It hurts to hear him ask that, “I don’t know.” Is all I answer back. At this very moment, I honestly don’t… I’m not going to leave him, but I don’t know if I want to be engaged to him right now. Maybe I said yes a little too fast… “I’m going to make this up to you, I promise.” He almost whispers that, but I make sure to hang onto every single word. I decide to not respond; I will just let him make it up to me the best he can. From then on, we’re silent, but for some reason, I can’t sleep. I have so many thoughts running through my head… if he does something really extravagant to make this up to me, will I accept his apology? Just because he proposed to me AT the frat house to make Liam jealous, does that mean that his proposal wasn’t honest? What did he do to Liam after I left? I lift up on my elbows just enough to see Harry sleeping soundly, cuddled up to an extra pillow that was in the floor. I decide to start counting sheep… that helps you go to sleep, right? One sheep… two sheep… three sheep… four sheep… “N-no, please!” My eyes shoot open, “Please, stop! No!” I immediately jump out of bed and rush over to Harry’s little bed in the floor. He’s sweating and shaking and he’s kicking and punching absolutely nothing; damn Ashton for giving him these horrible nightmares. I crawl on top of Harry, straddling his waist; I pin his arms down to his side to protect myself from getting punched in the jaw, “Harry, Harry please wake up! It’s okay, baby, it’s okay.” I push his damp hair out of his face and press my lips to his; when I feel him start to kiss me back relief floods my body. He hugs me tightly, sobbing into my neck, but I don’t mind… all of our problems, everything wrong with our relationship goes away at times like these. “Thank you…” “Don’t thank me.” “No… if you didn’t let me sleep here… it would have been so much worse.” I don’t even want to think about how horrible his nightmares are when I’m not here. When no one is there to wake him up… I kiss his forehead softly, “I’ll always be here.” “I’m sorry, Lou…” “Don’t apologize for having a nightmare, Harry.” “No, I’m sorry for hurting you… for making you think that I only proposed to you to make Liam jealous.” My heart skips a beat; so that wasn’t why? “You didn’t?” “Of course I didn’t. I should have picked a more romantic place, yes… but you know that I-.” I shut him up by kissing him. I don’t want to hear about his extreme jealousy or about how sorry he is. I just want to forget that this ever happened in the first place. He breaks the kiss for only a moment, “But I’m still going to make it up to you.” I smile, getting up out of the floor and crawling back into our huge bed. I pat Harry’s side and he gets up with a cheeky smile on his face, tackling me and leaving love bites on my neck. I push him off of me, “As much as I am enjoying this… go to sleep.” He laughs and places a small kiss on my forehead, “Goodnight, Lou. Thank you for inviting me back into our bed.” I roll my eyes, “Don’t push it.” “Yes sir.” He says, throwing his hands up in surrender and turning away from me. “I don’t think so.” I say, pulling a Harry and hooking my arm around his waist, pulling him right up against me, “Goodnight, love.” I reply with a smirk on my face, knowing that I am driving him crazy.

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