Chapter 3: Unwanted Fight

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A/N: There's some excessive cursing and a little bit of violence in this one!
Next day

I waited by the pond I'd met her at, pain filling my chest. I didn't want to do this, to hurt her, kill her. I liked her spunk. I heard a rustling above me, and tensed up. I saw her pink streak land on a branch, she was looking down at me. Ravian.

"What brings you back here, silverfish?" She asked, with a grin. I smiled, this would be horrible.

"I had...a uhm, request, from you," I lied. Well, it's a sorta lie, but whatever. She dropped from the canopy, landed in front of me, hands on her hips.

"And that is?"

I smirked, "Close your eyes, and pucker up!"

She stared at me, her cheeks a darker tint. "Excuse me?"

I was blushing to, I hadn't meant that! It just came out!

"Nothing...I just got the spunky beauty a present," I quickly recovered.

"Right...So you expect me to just, trust you, and Close my eyes?"

"Yes, actually."

"....Tch, fine." She closed her eyes, hands behind her back, a look of annoyance. I blushed, slipping the dagger from its hidden sheathe, but stopped. Impulse gripped me tightly, I brushed the hair from her face, and pressed my lips to hers. Her eyes opened surprised, I just know they did (Mine were closed). But, I was delighted when she melted into the kiss, moving her hands to hold my face. I lifted the knife shakily, I didn't wanna ruin this...I loved it to much...but Mizan would kill me if I didn't. She wanted so badly to wipe out the last Artrian hybrid, so that the whole people would become extinct. Permanently. I'm so sorry, I thought. Please...forgive me. I opened my eyes during the kiss, raising the dagger up slowly, my other arm around her waist to pull her into me. That's when I saw it, two shadows. Fuck.

The black blood rose from the shadow, first forming Maize, who ducked away, as I pulled duel daggers from my belt and I swung the end of one into his head. He shot back, as she hit barely skimmed him.

"How dare you play me like that..." I hissed, tears in my eyes. Why? I really did fall head over heels...for a douchebag.

"Rave, please...I-" Maize formed behind him, a hand clamped over his mouth.

"Don't you know who the fuck Your dealing with? Who I was, and could still be? I don't think you do...I guess I can teach you," I cooed, grinning a deranged grin. I watched his eyes dilate, as I dug a dagger into his stomach and wrenched it around to make him scream. Good, he felt the pain my heart felt. Maize pulled the helmet off Levy's head, and the stunning silver hedgehog spat blood at my face. I grunted my disgust, wiping it away, and stared into his beautiful green eyes, filled with exasperation and pain. My heart stopped, and I stared at him, dropping my daggers. What was I doing to the boy I loved?

I held my stomach, cringing. I didn't wanna do this, but, it seemed I would have to anyway. I swung an elbow into the man behind me's stomach, making him let go. I lunged for Rave, but she darted back, swinging a leg forcefully into my head. I stumbled back, and we both stared at each other, in battle stances, weapons ready. Neither one of us moved. We just stared. I knew we were thinking the same thing: "I can't hurt the one I love."

Hey there lovelies!! I love how this is going, I truly do! But if it's progressing to fast or too slow, you want something taken out or put in, I'd be glad to hear it!
Please enjoy! It'll be a bit before Chapter 4!

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