Chapter 5: Freak! Burn Her!

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A/N: Profound language and some dark shit. Really, I mean it. You've been warned.
Burn her? The thought made me sick. I watch as Rave was slowly beginning to understand the words, her eyes wide and horrified.

"You can't! She hasn't done anything!" I cried. Mizan smiled.

"I can always convince the people of crimes falsely convicted," She said. "Besides...Nobody likes a witch." Mizan cackled, I wanted to punch her. I wouldn't let her get away with this, I swore silently to myself. I glanced at Rave, she wasn't even crying. She kept a straight, blank face, she wouldn't break under Mizan. Not on her fucking life, and I liked that about her. She's strong, determined, and badass. Mizan turned and sashayed back to her throne. And with the flick of her hand, Rave was forcefully yanked to her feet.

"And guess what Leviathan? You have a front row seat to your little girlfriend's demise," she spat, as I was dragged outside, my last sight of Rave being gagged and writhing around in her holder's arms.
Fuck, this man needs to lay off the grip! Wait...Did she say 'burn me?!'

My stomach dropped, I couldn't hear anything, it was all fuzzy. My stomach turned into knots, and I felt suddenly dizzy and weak. I could faintly hear Mizan yelling at Leviathan, as the man squeezed harder on my wrists. I snapped back to reality when he hoisted me into the air and forced a cloth between my teeth. I shrieked, but it was choked off. I watched as Leviathen was dragged out of the main doors to this impeccably large and spacious throne room, and I was dragged out a smaller door, with a spiraling downward staircase. I could hear people outside the giant stone walls, cheering for my execution.
What did I do to deserve this? I thought, teary eyed. Artrian were always peaceful, we never picked fights, never started wars, and we're always honest and fair with trading. Why does she hate me?

I was shoved outside a metal door onto a wooden platform. Gallows. My stomach dropped and I gulped, being pushed down the gallows stairs, past a looming guillotine, towards a tall column of wood with sticks and straw surrounding the bottom as kindling. I began to squirm desperately for escape, but he only gripped tighter. I tried to unfurl my wings to knock him back, but they were clamped to my sides.
Oh my god, I took a shaky breath, tears welling in my eyes. I'm going to die, aren't I? This is my end...unless....Maize! I nearly shrieked inside my head, as I squirmed and struggled while my hands and feet were tied to the post in an odd position. There was silence for a moment, and I thought the man had left me there tied to the pole. But then the man walked around front, now wearing a mask, and placed a nail over the middle of my two lined up hands.

" please! PLEASE!" The plea ripped itself from my throat coarsely, as he drove the nail through my hands. I screamed and screamed, as I felt the blood run down my wrists to my head.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? WHAT HAVE I EVER DONE?" I cried, as I tried to move my feet before he could drive the nail through. I heard a yell behind me, a man's. I was surprised, because I knew exactly who's it was, I had felt the burn and bubble of my back.


He shoved the man down the hill of tinder and kindle, and went to get the nail out of my hand. I was sobbing at this point, my hands were numb. I watched as the man behind him slowly got back up, and raised a knife. My eyes widened, if Maize was killed out of weapon form, he'd...he'd die.

"BEHIND YOU!" But...I was too late...the knife was driven into Maize's back and he fell. I screamed at him. I screamed until my throat gave out. My eyes burned from the tears, and I stared at the masked man in hate as he untied my now nailed hands, and knelt to drive a nail through my feet. But as he was about to do so, he looked up and met my gaze; he looked pained, like he didn't wanna do this.
Wait...Did his eye color change?

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