Please, let me explain!

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Chapter 2:

I saw the one person in the world, I thought I would never see again. But there he was, Ross Lynch. I can't believe it is him. I thought I would never meet him again. He looked up and saw me. He stopped walking and stared at me for a second. He Ross! Hurry up, Riker yelled. Uh yeah sorry, Ross said. So Lexie, this is r5, Riker said. I'm Riker, this Rocky, the beautiful lady over there is Rydel, the boy next to her holding her hand is Ratliff, or Ellington whatever you would like to call him and last but certainly not least. The boy with the blond hair over there is Ross. Uh, hi, I think... I stuttered. Rocky smiled at me and said: it's nice to meet you Lexie. Yeah, it's nice to meet you too Rocky, I said. Do you guys wanna go to your hotel, I asked. And we departed to the hotel.

Skip car ride.

After half an hour of awkward car time, we arrived at the hotel. So guys, let's go inside, then I'll check you in. We all went inside and I checked them and myself in. I went back to the group of people and told them they were checked in. So let's go upstairs, I told them. I started to walk to the elevator when someone grabbed my arm. Lexie, I heard Ross say. Yeah, I said, while I turned around. What's up? I just wanted to, I don't know, I didn't really get the chance to say hi, he murmured. Uh, okay, I said.

I brought everyone to their rooms and I was now in my own room. I sat down on the bed and buried my head in my hands. Why did Ross have to be in the band, this is not good. I decided to take a shower. I turned the shower on and wanted to step in it when someone knocked on my door. YEAH, WAIT A SEC, I'LL BE THERE IN A MINUTE, I yelled. I quickly put on some leggings and an oversized shirt and ran to the door. I opened the door and I saw Ross standing outside my room. Hey Lex, he said. Can I talk to you. I looked in his eyes, took a deep breath and said: yeah sure, come in.

He sat down on my bed but immediately jumped up again. Is it okay if I sit here?, he asked with a worried face. Yes sure, I said while I laughed a little. Lexie, we really need to talk about what happened a year ago. Why did you leave, you really hurt me. He said. I know Ross, I said. And I'm sorry, I should not have sneaked away when you were sleeping. I know that I made a mistake. But Ross, I had a boyfriend back then. Why didn't you just leave him, he asked. Ross, I moved to America for him, I couldn't just leave him, I answered. But why did you hook up with me in the first place? He asked. Just because, I found out he was cheating on me, I said. So it didn't mean anything to you, he said. Just a one night stand, he exclaimed. No Ross don't be mad please, let me explain, I said. But he rushed out and slammed the door shut.

And I just stood there, speechless. Tears running down my face. I think I might have lost the person I care about most, the person I have desperately been in love with for the past year.

Just like that.... Gone...


so yeah, that is possibly the largest chapter i have ever written. Hope you guys like it. Dont forget to vote and comment.

Byee x Daph

So we meet again.. ( a Ross Lynch fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu