Wanted - Nathan x Reader

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If it wasn't obvious already, I'm a huge fan of Nathan so expect a lot of him


Before you entered Nathan's life, he never knew what it was like to be wanted. He didn't know what it felt like to have someone want to be around him, be excited when someone saw him.

He has pushed aside from the others, the one that everyone got annoyed by, that one that made people turn their nose up in the air, disgusted. He never cared, of course, he enjoyed people disliking what he can do. But, that was because he didn't know the opposite feeling, the feeling you gave him.

You loved him as no one else did. You enjoyed being around him, kissing him, hugging him, cuddling him. You loved everything about him and you never failed to remind him, physically or verbally.

It was a surprise to him that you've lasted this long. One year, to the day. He figured by now you would be repulsed, you would have left, you would want nothing to do with him. But you... didn't.

You stayed.

You loved him.

And he wanted to show you how much he appreciated you. Especially because it was your one year anniversary. It was small but he still hoped you liked it. He wasn't really sure what to do, given he's never been in a relationship this long before you so he thought a gift would be nice.

The black box with a sloppy blue bow was in his hands, and he couldn't focus on anything but that. A nagging feeling twisted in his mind along with a nervous churn in his stomach. Would you like it? Would you think it was stupid? Would you laugh at him?

He didn't like doubting himself. But, when it came to you, he doubted everything about himself. You were so... perfect! Your laugh, your smile, your body, your kisses, your personality. Everything. Why were you with him?

"Nathan, you in there?" Your voice called out from behind his door. He heard the light tap of your knuckles against the wood. Your voice... he should have hated it. It was so sweet and warm, like fresh bakes cookies. But you... you made it work. His heart fluttered when he heard it.

"Yup! Come on in!" He winced as he heard his own voice. It was so unlike yours. He didn't do a great job masking his insecurities and he was sure you would ask about it. You always knew if something was bothering him.

You bounded inside, a bounce in your step. The grin on your face was contagious, and he couldn't stop the smile that lit upon his lips. Your arms wrapped around his neck as soon as you were close enough.

Then you were kissing him. Slowly and softly like he was made of glass. Like he needed to be taken care of. Nathan adored it. You were never rough with him (unless he asked, of course, *wink wink*).

"Happy anniversary," you giggled sweetly, noses brushing as you looked up at him. He melted under your gaze. You gazed at him like he was your world like all you ever wanted to be was right in front of you. As if you didn't need anything else.

"Happy anniversary," he repeated, ducking his head down to your neck and licking a stripe across the skin. You let out a shrieking giggle at the wetness, burrowing into his shoulder.

Another thing about you. You were never disgusted with anything he did. His ideas, how he acted, his art, his type of affection. Nothing bothered you.

"I got you something," he said, uncertainty lacing his voice as he held up the box. He hoped you wouldn't hear how his voice sounded or the way he couldn't look at you.

You took the box gingerly, fingers barely brushing his. He knew that your eyes would flicker to him before back down on the box. Nathan heard the bow being untied and the box open.

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