What was going on?

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"Harry?" Louis said, "why are you eating all of them? They are vitamins, right?"

Harry got scared and quickly hung up the call.

Louis locked his son in the closet and then called dr Phil. Dr Phil asked Louis to date him in which he quickly denied, his heart belonged to Harry!!!

He hung up the phone. He then took a pregnancy test and called Harry back. "Harry my love, I'm pregnant, it's yours!"

Harry gasped. "Louis- how? We only- aw SHET not another arrogant son of a bitch..."

Harry hung up and then wrote another song...

Louis moved in with Harry, never letting his son out of the closet. Harry got up every morning and gave Louis breakfast to help his morning sickness.

One day... Harry got up. He wasn't alone... he heard- LIAM PAYNE? Liam Payne grabbed Harry and kissed him. "Harry, MY LOVE, I am not homophobic, I am simply j e a l o u s! Date me! Not Louis!"

Harry pulled out his ak 86 and shot him in the PP 😳

Harry then kicked him out. He heard something else... JOSH DUN? Josh was drumming all over the house. And he almost hit Louis' tum tum :O Harry grabbed Lou Lou and ran out of the house. They moved to the US... gross.

*Time jump 8 months*

Louis was soon to have the baby when there is a knock at the door.

Harry puts on armor and grabs his ak 346. He answers the door... Niall!

Niall is at the door wearing a nurses uniform. "Hi luv! I'm here to birth baby Larry!" He says happily.

Harry cries and runs up the stairs and eats the bag of toes. He notices something... odd. WILLNE? Will is also wearing a nurse uniform. Harry cries and grabs a paper towel to dry his musical tears. MUSCULAR TEARS OMG

Harry and Will cry together and eat crusty toe gummies. They watch that one show with that guy who has cancer oh right jeopardy. Then they call the company and buy the whole show.. those rich bitches.

Louis just then screams and his water breaks. HArry says my baby is having a baby and zooms down the escalator wait no I mean  stairs.

Harry sobs into his toe milkshake as Louis births the baby. But this.. was no human.. it was.. JOHN QUINYONEZ? He hops out of Louis and says "WHAT WOULD YOU DO YOU FOOKIN SHETS" and then cries and become likhuddy. He then vomits and gabby hand sa comes out. 😳

She throws her new song at Harry, in which he catches.

He cries and begs her to leave because his ears bleed.

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