First day ⤜(のᴥの)⤏

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The POVs might switch around a lot but, ya know :P. This will be cute I promise😊. But listen to the song with headphones on(both of them) it doesn't relate to the story at all but I love this song and listening to it in 8D is so cool! Anyways I hope you enjoy this.

Kirishima POV
My first day at UA! This was gonna be great! I had recently dyed my hair red to match my red scales. All of the world had some kind of animal half, most of the times you would get your animal traits from one of your parents or sometimes a mixture of both. Very few people were born without inheriting any traits from neither of their parents. I was one of those people, one of my moms was part cat while the other was part dog. I turned out being a clumsy dragon with a large tail that dragged behind me most of the time.(no one told him he was adopted yet 🥺)
I was seeing lots of different people with different looks and quirks. My home room was classroom 1-A. Upon walking in I seen Mina Ashido. She was part dog, I never knew what kind of dog though. She looked like a mutt. One floppy ear and one sticking straight up, and a big puffy tail. I was going to go over to talk to her, but I seen an angry, ash blonde, guy walk in. 
He had two dark brown ears folded down showing that he was pissed off, and a long tail the same color of his hair dragging behind him. Dammit he was hot. He sat right in front of me, and I stared at him for a good few minutes before he turned around looking at me with a angry look speed across his face. "Oi what are you lookin at shitty hair?" He asked me. I felt my face heat up, I knew I was red from embarrassment.
When I didn't answer he grabbed me by my tie and raised his hand like he was going to hit me. I flinched and expected the punch to come but I just heard a smug laugh. I opened my eyes as he let go of my tie and I fell back in my desk. I just sat there, blushing most likely, wondering what just happened.

Bakugo POV
I walk in to my home room and seen that fucking stupid green haired rabbit, deku. I was immediately pissed, but when I looked around I seen a flash of red. A boy with red hair, horns and a long scaley tail wrapping around the desk..? Who and what the fuck is this kid?
I sat down in the desk in front of him and listened to all the extras talking about stupid things. I turned around a few minutes later wanting to speak to him but I seen him with pink dusted across his cheeks as he stared at me with his head in his hand. "Oi what are you looking at shitty hair?" He just sat up and turned red, him not answering kinda pissed me off, but he was still cute. I grabbed him by his tie and was about to use my quirk on him, but he flinched.... and he looked like a little puppy! I blushed a little and let him go while laughing a bit.
After about what felt like a forever he was standing up beside my desk with his hand outstretched towards me. "M-my name is e-ejiro kirishima..." he said while stuttering. "Katsuki bakugo" said without shaking his hand, he quickly put his hands down to his side and rubbed it on the side of his pants (his hand is just sweaty and he's doing what all people with hyperhidrosis do. It's nothing weird with him rubbing his hand on his pants😅). He smiled at me with a big toothy grin. "Damn your teeth are sharp. What are you a shark?" I asked him.
"I'm not a shark. I'm a dragon" he turned around and looked at his big red tail and then he pointed to his little horns on his head. "Wait, a dragon? Like a real dragon? Didn't they go extinct?" I asked. " "They're just really rare that's all" he said while rubbing the back of his neck.

Damn. This kid is going to be the death of me.

Class started when a man sleeping in big yellow cocoon like bag wormed his way out. He wore a weird looking scarf thing. (Aizawa is obviously gonna be part cat). I was paying attention in class but wanted to look at kirishima, this fucking shitty hair... being adorable and shit... I took out a piece of paper and wrote down, "wanna hang out after school shitty hair?" then passed it back to him.

Kirishima POV
I wasn't paying attention at all in class, I was only paying attention to bakugo. I suddenly felt his tail brush against my leg, and oh did I blush like a tomato. He passed back a pieced paper, I knew we was smirking because he probably knew I looked as red as my hair. As soon as I read the note I wrote "yes!" And then I got an idea on how to get him back him brushing his tail against my leg. I started rubbing small circles on his back with my index finger, causing him to sit straight up. He turned around immediately and looked at me with a red confused face. I handed the note to him, he snatched it and read it. I seen his ears perk up and his tail wag slightly.

Oooh I'm sorry to leave this on a cliffhanger😅. I'm just kinda tired right now and my back hurts. But listening to music with 8D sounds pretty cool right. Anyways if y'all like this add it to your library and I'll be sure to make more of this if not that's cool too.

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