So... \(✧人✧)/

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UwU so I see some of you have been enjoying the story so far. That's nice, I'm glad y'all like it. I honestly think that's the exact look of kirishima I was going for except his wings are a bit smaller and his clothes are his normal clothes. As usual, I added in some music :P. Anyways here's this.

Bakugo POV
It was lunch time and I really wanted to sit next to kiri. When I got my food and looked around for him, he was sitting at a table by himself. His long tail just wrapped beside him. I walked over to him and sat down right beside him. "Soooo... where you wanna hang out after school?" He asked. "We can either go to my house or yours." I told him blandly.
"How about..." He started, "your house, WAIT NO MY HOUSE! I don't wanna be a burden and come unexpectedly into your house. Besides my moms don't care if i brings someone over." He smiled at me. "Sure shitty hair" I told him while rolling my eyes. "My names kirishima! And my hair isn't that different from yours!"

Time skip because owo

Kirishima POV
I was waiting for the bell to hurry up and ring so me and bakugo hang out. I just wanted to look at him, and be close to him and- I was cut off, before my thoughts got any dirtier, by the dismissal bell ringing. I quickly stood up and waited for bakugo to get packed up and ready to go. He finally got up and thew his backpack over one shoulder and signaled for me to come on.
While walking we just made small talk about school and where we were from. I could tell he was a little excited, his tail was lightly swaying back and forth. When we made it in front of my house I wanted to wag my tail out of excitement but I didn't want to hurt bakugo with it. One time in middle school when I wagged it I knocked a kid out by accident. Upon walking in my moms were about to bombard me with questions about school, but when they seen bakugo they both had smirks plastered across their faces.
"Who's this kiri?" said mama with her long cat tail waving slowly.

"I'm katsuki bakugo ma'am" bakugo said with a gruff voice.

"Oh kirishima, we didn't know you had a boyf-" mom started but got cut off by mama covering moms mouth with her hand.

"You two have fun!" Mom said with her tail swinging back and forth violently.

I guided bakugo upstairs to my room with pink dusted across my cheeks. I already came out to my parents as gay a while ago. Me and Mina were good friends in middle school and before I came out to my moms I told her. She said I was still her best friend either way, which made me happy that she didn't judge me for it. I would always bring her over to my house so we could hang out and my moms thought we were dating until I told them.
I opened the door to my room and let bakugo in. He came in set his backpack down by the door and looked around my room. I told I would be right back after I grabbed some clothes from my dresser. I put on a black tank top and a pair of shorts. The tank top allowed my wings to stick out. I always had to keep them in my uniform all day until I got home, it's so uncomfortable.
Bakugo turned his head from looking at a action figure of crimson riot on my desk, I swear he looked like he was blushing and checking me out. "I didn't know you had wings." He said while quickly turning back around. "Yeah I just hide them in my uniform most the time." I told him rubbing the back of my neck.
We decided on playing Call of Duty on my PlayStation. Mid game he asked what my mom was about to say before she got cut off.
I froze in my seat and felt my face heating up. He paused the game and looked over at me still awaiting my response. I shrugged my shoulders saying I don't know. "You obviously do know since you started turning red and getting nervous before she got cut off." He told me.
"If I tell you, you have to promise not to make fun of me." He just nodded.

Bakugo POV
I waited for his answer with my ears perked up, I knew what his mom was about to say I just wanted to hear him say something about it. He sat there for a second with a blush looking down at his hands. "I..." he started off, "imgayanditoldmyomosaboutandnowtheythinkilikeyouandweredatingandimsupersorryifthismakesthingsawkwardnowyoudonthavetostaymyfriend" (if you can read that congratulations you get a piece of bread.🍞)
I giggled at him while he put his head in his hands. I stopped giggling and told him I wasn't laughing at him, I was laughing at how cute he was. His checks became redder at that sentence. Then my stupid phone rang, it was my mom. She yelled asked where I was. "OI IM AT A FRIENDS HOUSE OLD HAG!" I yelled back at her. "I don't believe you." She told me. Fine I'll get proof. "Kiri get over here my mom doesn't believe I'm at a friends house." He walked over to me slowly and I gave him the phone. "H-hello?" They talked for a minute before he hung up and gave the phone back to me.
"She said that she was glad that you actually had a friend and you weren't lying" kiri said trying not to stutter. "Well," I grabbed my backpack, "I'm gonna be going. I'll see you tomorrow at school." I grabbed his face and kissed him on the cheek. "Cutie~" I walked out the door and said good bye to his moms.

This was going to be fun...

This. Was. Absolute garbage. I kept getting distracted and hyperhidrosis is terrible. I try to make the chapters long but ADD has other plans. I hope you are enjoying the story so far.

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