Chapter 14 Part 3

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f/f= Favorite food


When me and Ava came out we felt thick tension. 

"Um... is everything alright?"

Before any of the Damos could say anything Frank grabbed my hands and asked smiling, "So, can we go on that date I asked."

Oh right... 

The date... 

I forced a smile, "Oh! Yeah! Let me change and we can head out."

He smiled happily, "Alright."

He then pulled me in and pecked my cheek. I was stunned. 

Did he just- 

Frank waved and said, "I'll be waiting outside!"

I held my cheek. I don't understand what just happened. Ava pulled me down and started furiously wiping my cheek with her sleeve.

"Ow! OW! AVA!"

She pulled away and incidentally smiled, "Sorry, getting the germs off you."

I sighed holding my burning cheek, "Guess I'll get ready."

Pierce POV

What was that action?! 

Whatever it was I didn't like it. 

And now she's getting ready for this 'date'? 

I didn't know what it was and I didn't like the sound of it either. Y/n then came back wearing the strange clothing that made her cute. She sighed and looked at us, "You guys don't make a mess when I come back and Ava stays in bed. Since Mrs. Oats won't be here I'm kinda worried."

Asch huffed, "Sure whatever. Go with that HUMAN."

She looked at us confused, "Okay...? Um. I'll head out now."

Ava smiled, "Alright see you when you get back!"

She pushed Y/n out the door and rushed back smiling, "We're going to spy on them!"

Rhys looked at her confused, "Why should we?"

"Well... This is Y/n's first date ever!"

Noi then asked, "Shouldn't you stay in bed?"

"Don't worry I'm fine! Give me a minute to change then we'll go!"


We were currently thing behind a bush in what Ava called a 'mall'. She explained to us that a 'date' was where two lovers get together to have fun and become more intimate. I didn't like that. I want to stop it. It sounded dangerous. She left Leif and Asch afraid they'd cause a ruckus. I heard her whisper, "She looks like she's cringing so he must be giving her cheesy compliments."


Your POV

I forced a smile and thanked Frank for his awfully cheesy compliment and horrible jokes. I internally sighed, I liked our friendship. This was just awkward. Frank started ordering food. We were at Subway for our date having breakfast. While looking around I noticed Ava and saw Noi, Rhys, and Pierce. 

Why are they there? 

I internally sighed again.

 Why did I expect her to stay in bed? 

This is Ava after all. 

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

I snapped back and forced a smile, "Yeah, my turn to order?"

He nodded as I order my f/f. While ordering me, it felt like Frank was observing me. I looked at him, "Is something wrong?"

"Nope just reminiscing my first date with you."


Trying to strike a conversation I asked, "Have you dated anyone other than me?"

"Hm... not really. Unless you count girls escorting me around out of their free will then no."

"Hm? Escorting you? Didn't know you were that popular."

"Have you fallen for me now?"


He sighed, "It'll take a while huh. Well, I have a plan for a couple of hours~!"


I honestly wanted to go home now. I wanted the friend Frank back not this cheesy and cringy Frank. After eating he took me to the zoo. It was fairly obvious that Frank didn't know how a date went since he seemed uncertain and nervous. He tried to do some gesture but it wasn't excellent. I found it kinda funny; I kinda felt bad since he was trying so I went along with it. 


How long have they been following me now? 

For about 3 hours. Ava and the other just kept hiding and watching. At this point, I think Frank noticed them. I wasn't sure since he was really talkative and into our date. After walking around the zoo I heard my phone ring. I picked it up, "Ava? What's up?"

"I'm hungry."

"Then go eat."

"But it's lunch."

"You can order take out or something."

"But I want your lunch."

"Jeez Ava, why are you acting like a baby all of the sudden?"

"Because you've been out all morning and I'm sick!"

I sighed, "Fine."

Ava added, "Don't bring Frank along or I'll throw a tantrum."

"Ava you-"

I was cut off and sighed. I looked at Frank, "Sorry to cut our date off but Ava's begging me for lunch."

He sighed, "No it's fine, I think I went a little overboard."

"No! No! I really enjoyed today thank you."

He beamed, "Thank goodness."

We headed out and Frank drove me back to the apartment. He asked, "Should I come with you?"

"Ava's a little cranky right now and really doesn't want to see you."

He sighed, "Alright. I had fun today."


I was got off and leaned on the window frame, "Since this was a date. I don't have to pay you, right taxi?"

"Yep, you already paid with the date." Frank winked.

I laughed and Frank left. When I reached the apartment I opened the door to see Ava with hands on her hips, messy hair, and her face a little red. 

Did she get sick while watching me? 

I rushed over and pressed her forehead asked, "Are you okay."

I retracted my hand to see a light power substance on my hand. Ava fake coughed, "No! I was waiting all morning for you!"

I gave her a look and sighed, "Go to bed, I'll make lunch."

She looked behind me then left. I sighed tying my hair up and met with the Damos. They were staring at me intensely. Then, almost at the same time, they looked back at Pierce. Pierce didn't do anything but watch me. Their actions confused me so I just decided to just start cooking. It was pretty uncomfortable feeling their eyes switch from Pierce and I, it was like, they were expecting something to happen.

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