Chapter Three

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Chapter three yay! No one has read my story yet and imma thinking bout quitin so hopefully the comments I've posted on my favorite stories will get me some attention. If I don't get comments imma quit. So please comment! Any way let's go see what jeremy and roran are up to.


Normal POV

It's been three days since I left home with the prince on a mission to retrieve the Book of Seria and we haven't spoken much so I was suprised to hear him call me to attention. "Jeremy." I look up from tending the fire at our current camp. "Yes sire?" I ask formally not wanting to be rude. "Please call me Roran. This is no time for formality. I was wondering, why did you volunteer? What pursuaded you to come you seem so small and...fragile." he said. A look in his face suprised me completely as he said this. It was...concern?! Why was he worried about me?! "Uh it just, seemed no one else would do it and, I wanted to help." I stated stumbling over my words. Idiot is that it?! "I see." was all he said. He stood up and walked over to me. "Jeremy you are very brave and I want to give you this." he pulled out a necklace. "This was blessed by the high priest of the church, it was meant for me but I believe you should have it." I think my jaw dropped as I looked at a pure gold necklace with a saphire pendant shaped like a lion it was beautiful and must have been worth a fortune. He was giving this to me?!

"Your majesty I couldn't possibly take this. It's far too much for a simple peasant such as me." I back away but he grabs hold of my small wrist and easily pulls me toward him, it was hard to force back a blush as I noticed how close we were. He turned me to face away from me and fastened the necklace around my neck it was cold and made my skin tingle. After the necklace was around my neck he turned me back around. He kissed me. Total shock was running through my brain, I couldn't think. One moment he was completely distant and now he's sharing a passionate kiss with me. Against my will my body kisses him back my hands snaking into his hair as his run around my waist. After a few minutes we broke the kiss for air and were left with an akward atmosphere. I could tell my face was heating up and I just stood there for a long time and finally managed to studder some words, ok two but still that was all I could manage. "I-I-Im...uh..." was all I managed to say before he stepped forward towards me and said, "Jeremy, I like you alot and I-I want you to be mine. If... you want that." I just stood there completely frozen no cohearrent thought running through my mind. The prince of this country just coffessed that he has feelings for me! A small blacksmith's apprentice. "I-I don't know what to say your highness-" he cuts mr off putting his finger over my lips shushhing me. "There are a few things I want to get straight. One you are not allowed to be formal with me, you are to call me roran understand?" he pauses to acknowledge my agreement. "Uh yes- I mean okay Roran." it felt wierd saying his name, it felt good. He resumed then, "Good. Now two you don't have to say anything just think about it for a while. Just, remember I gave you my first kiss." I blushed at this then realized that was my first kiss as well. I nod then we eat and douse the fire and we goto our separate tents. I kept telling myself this is going to be a long journey.


Roran's POV

As I enter my tent I think about what had just happened. I conffessed! I told him! Now it was up to fate. I just hoped Jeremy would return my feelings.with that thought Roran turned out his lantern and went to sleep. This was going to be a long journey.


Short I know but it will get better. Roran confessed! How will Jeremy respond? Will they get together? All answered in the next chapter! Post comments, vote and all that stuff. Till Next time!

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