chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I woke up on the floor of the lounge room, my head raking with pain and my hands holding a staff. It was his staff. But where was he? I looked around the room, trying to make out anything recognisable, but everything was how it was before. Tables, chairs, nothing was out of place. This was going to be challenging.

I raised myself from the floor and tried to make my way to the doorway, only to find my leg in blood, my leg with scratches and scars. I felt my side and a gash was there, deep into my flesh. Where WAS he? I hobbled out of the room and onto the street, where people looked at me in disgusted ways, thinking of me as nothing but a homeless person how involved themselves with troubles beyond their capabilities. Of course they didn’t know any better, but that wasn’t the case. They didn’t know what was happening, especially when a large red man emerged from a shop in flames. All they could do was run for cover and hope for the best. Why he was in flames I will never know, but he ran at me with fists in flames and talons presharpened and boiling from the fire. He grabbed my arm, searing my skin and sending me into horrible, agonizing pain.” This is what you deserve for disobeying me.” I threw my head back and smashed him in the face, giving him momentary imbalance, and I took the opportunity to break free and run. He couldn’t get me now, and beyond the buildings I could see the mansion, its turrets high and proud. I ran faster and faster trying to reach the mansion. I imagined Shaun’s face proud and happy, him taking me in his arms, telling me to forget the pain and that I was safe. If only that was the case.


Outside of the mansion, Shaun was waiting anxiously, looking out for signs of my presence. All he saw were people who were ignorant to his and the mansions existence, bustling through crowds to get through their daily routines and to get to places that meant nothing to him.

I ran through the crowds, finally seeing the mansion in front of me, Shaun on the steps with his head held high overlooking the crowds. He saw me, the flames on my arms extinguished but my arms were burnt a charcoal black. His face almost fell from the sight in front of him. He ran through the crowd for me, as I to him. We joined in the middle of the square, people around us eyeing us and wondering where Shaun appeared from so suddenly. They all stared, but they were mostly infatuated with me for some reason. They were looking at me with awe and admiration. I felt my face and felt no scars, no cuts, nothing. It was smooth like glass. My arms were healed and my clothes were no longer tattered, but new and freshly pressed. I couldn’t believe this. How did this happen? I defeated the demon, didn’t i? At least for now I guess, but I diverted him, for hopefully a very long time, or even forever.

I hugged Shaun with happiness, knowing I was safe now from the demon. He felt my hair, and instead of feeling my fuzzy, long hair, he felt my new smooth, brown hair the colour of chestnuts. I was improved somehow. In a very good way. I saw Veronique running down the steps, the dragon still on the steps as to not attract attention. I hugged her tightly, not even daring to let go, even when Shaun ushered us back to the mansion and away from the prying eyes of the public.

We all sat down in the main room, everyone staring at us with large eyes and excitement. No one here had ever crossed a greater demon before, and they were all bustling around to hear the story unfold piece by piece. Only they weren’t hearing anything. It was just dead silence. And that was all they were going to get.

 The academy director stormed into the room, a well-dressed man trailing shortly after her. The director was furious, her face set into a rage and the man following along only looked confused and worried. I couldn’t blame him one bit. She was in a horrific rage, and she was headed for me.

“What on earth were you doing with a greater demon!!!!???? You could have been killed! And don’t tell me you fought in those clothes!” everyone looked at her and me, backing away to let her blow off steam, but of course it didn’t work. she kept ranting and raving until her anger was leaving her like steam. When she finished, she only stared at me, trying to figure me out, what I did and how I escaped, everything. She couldn’t figure it out. She grabbed me and pulled me from the room, Shaun left behind yelling out for me.

“You shouldn’t have gone seraphine. It was dangerous and reckless, and it was endangering other people.” “How was I endangering other people?” I queried, not knowing her catch. She just gave me a scrutinizing look and continued,” you endangered the lives of the public. They don’t know what’s going on, do they? They think the world is ending for gods sakes! They believe in god and their own little religions. They don’t know anything. They are ignorant, and it is better that way. It’s better for us and it is better for them as well, alright?”

For the first time, I realised what my actions are doing to other people, even to other people that I don’t know. I am endangering everyone, and it’s my entire fault. My fault. Just mine. I felt horrible just thinking of the alternatives, of the lives that could have been brutally taken in exchange for mine. He might have even taken lives after I left. But I wasn’t there to see. I was too busy saving myself. I fell to the floor in a heap, my head in my hands, and my eyes flowed tears. No one tried to comfort me. I was by myself on the floor, wallowing in my shame.

I didn’t know anyone was there until I felt Shaun pick me up from the floor and hold me in his arms. He always had the same smell of sweat and love, and even though it was odd, it was comforting. I was getting used to Shaun, and of course everything about him, and I think I might even love him. All I don’t know is if he loves me. I didn’t want to find out though. I was too scared.

“What’s wrong seraphine? Did she hurt you?!?!?!?!” he was worrying over me. He actually cared. God I was lucky to have him.”yeah, but I just realised something.” He grabbed my arm softly and nudged me to continue.” I realised that my actions are really affecting people and not in the best way either.” He pulled me to him, hugging me tight.” If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t have met and I wouldn’t be free, so your actions do have their good times, right?” I looked at him, and I looked into his eyes. God he had gorgeous eyes. They were flecked with gold, showing his true nature, and behind the gold were bright green emerald eyes. He smiled, and he stroked my arm. Oh god, I know what is happening here. This is the moment. THE moment. I grabbed him and kissed him, our lips meeting quickly, and pulling apart just as fast. My lips were tingling; his lips were red and shaped into a grin. He pulled me back into him, and I could feel his heart. It was beating steadily while he let his fingers linger through my hair. I really now think that he loves me. He cares, and now I have everything.

Veronique walked into the room, her arms empty and wide. We both looked at her, embarrassed at being caught. I looked and asked her,” where’s your dragon?” she began to fiddle with her hands nervously, and we could easily tell she was not intending on telling us what was going on.” Veronique tell us, we know you’re hiding something from us. You can tell us, I promise.” She looked at us, worry all over her face along with anxiety.” Guys, it’s gone. The dragons gone.”

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