Chapter 5

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Authors Note: I actually hadn't planned on making this, at the time of writing it, much longer! Which is why some of the previous parts seem a little more final. And... then I got invested in the story and wrote way more than I expected. 

Thanks for reading xoxo!


Gon had forced Hisoka back to class by the time he had missed a week of it. By that, Gon had dressed him and dragged him to his class and then walked him back home.

Pika had also started nursing the overly depressed performer. They were worried for him, not that Hisoka seemed to notice. Stuck in his head space about not being a good enough person.

Why was Hisoka like this? Why was he such a mess? He didn't understand why he couldn't be perfect—like Gon. Gon was perfect. Gon had friends, a soulmate, an aunt who raised him, a good future to look for. Hisoka was a no one... Currently, he was a lump of meat with no purpose or willpower to do anything.

"Hey," Kurapika sits next to Hisoka who sat on the couch. Gon and Killua in the kitchen attempting to make god knows what for dinner. "I think you should talk to Illumi."

Hisoka stiffens slightly at the sound of the name, like a poison had been dripped into his mouth. "How did you...?"

"Got to meet Machi and him... Not too hard to put two and two together." Pika responds. "Don't worry, I don't think the kids made it that far." He adds, referring to Gon and Killua who definitely would not have pieced two and two with their brains.

"I'm not talking to him." Hisoka huffs.

"Leorio tried rejecting me too," Kurapika begins. "I know how it feels."

Suddenly Hisoka was interested. He leaned in, ready to listen to Pika's story.

"Leorio thought having a soulmate would interfere with becoming a med student," Pika explains. "So he flat out rejected me when he saw my tattoos. Not enough time for a soulmate when going through med school."


"And so I kept pushing. I'm not about to let his stupid ideas keep me away," Pika snorts. "He's an idiot Hisoka, remember?"


"So I talked to him. Everyday. I helped him with his school, I pestered and pestered until we became a thing... it was gradual, and neither of us really realized, but we liked each other. It's what soulmates are for. They're meant for you, and sometimes it just takes a little time."

Hisoka nods slowly. Kurapika and Leorio were incredibly close, acting like an old married couple. But... "what if I had sex with someone?"

Pika chokes on the air, that's the best Hisoka could explain his reaction. "You what?"

"I was hurt." Is all Hisoka can come back with.

"Hisoka I knew you were petty but..." Pika trails off, obvious disappointment in his tone, like a mother scolding her child.

"It was bad sex," Hisoka tries to offer and Pika hits him in response.

"Of course it was if it wasn't with Illumi! Do you know how much you must've hurt Illumi? Have you never heard the stories?"


"You're hopeless! Completely hopeless! You idiot drunk! You and Illumi have to talk."

Hisoka doesn't respond since Killua and Gon come into the room holding what appears to be some sort of lasagna. If they expect Hisoka to eat that...

"I'm heading to the corner store," Hisoka stands. "If you need anything text me."

No one stops him since he hadn't exactly left the house in ages of his own accord, besides the class Gon forced him to. Hisoka's mind on the thought he had hurt Illumi.

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