Chapter 11

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Morgana opened her eyes. The sun was shining. She looked at the beautiful girl who was holding her in her big strong arms. Morgana would never accept that she was shorter than Mel, but it was true.

"Good morning, beautiful." Morgana said seeing Mel slowly waking up.

"Morning... Wait, you are up before me? How did this happen?" Mel said pulling Morgana even closer.

The dark haired girl didn't complain. She loved it. She held her head in the nook of Mel's neck. It was comfy and Morgana loved the feeling of someone actually caring for her and holding her close.

" Can we stay here all day long?" Morgana asked her.

"I don't know, milady. Can we? I have a lot to do..." Mel started explaining, but Morgana cut her off by kissing her.

"On a second thought, we can stay here forever." Mel added after she took a deep breath.

Today was the day Morgana would finally tell Mel about her powers. She didn't know how, but she decided she would. That's what Mel deserved. She deserved to know that Morgana had magic.

" Honey, I'd like to ask you something." Morgana said looking into Mel's ocean eyes.

"Shoot." the other replied curiously.

Morgana took a deep breath. What if she shouldn't do it? Maybe they were better if Mel wouldn't know. What if she'd be mad? Or worse... scared. Morgana didn't want to ruin everything. Mel and her sister were the only ones whom she cared for and  loved.

"I've wanted to tell you this since I realized it. I've been scared you'd leave me... Or that you'd be scared of me." Morgana started.

"How can you think that? Whatever it is, I'll always love you." Mel insisted.

"Melissa, I have magic!" Morgana yelled, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Nothing mattered to her anymore. She didn't care the whole kingdom could've heard her or Uther. No. All she could think of was Mel leaving her. Mel getting scared of her, but that didn't happen. Mel looked at her and smiled. The most pure smile Morgana ever saw.

"So, my girlfriend is a witch? Cool." was all Mel said before crashing their lips togheter.

"Wha-" Morgana started, but was cut off.

After they had to pull for air, they rested on the bed, Mel holding Morgana in her strong arms.

"Do you have the power to summon food out of thin air?" Mel asked.

Morgana looked surprised. She didn't know if she could, but she was determined to try. And so she did. She got up and walked to the nearest table and, putting her out, she said the magic words. The spell she used wasn't complicated, but she never did it before. Surprisingly, food appeared.

"What did I ever do to deserve you!?" Mel asked happy and they shared the food, because none of them wanted to go to the royal kitchens and they were getting hungry.

"I should ask that. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You bring me joy and i wouldn't be here now without you." Morgana said smiling.

That was one of Morgana's best days. She spent it all with Mel. They laughed, but most importantly, they were together. Morgana was determined to be the Queen of Camelot on day. She wanted to change the law. The law wasn't right. Every person should be allowed to love whoever they want. Morgana wanted to make the use of magic legal again. She wanted what was rightfully hers. She wanted to bring change to Camelot. That was her destiny after all. She thought she was doing good. She was certain there wasn't another way. Arthur was the same as his father.

At nightfall, Morgana sneaked out of the castle grounds. She saw Merlin was still alive and she wanted to know how her sister failed to kill him.

"He's back in Camelot!" Morgana said as soon as she spotted Morgause, who was confused. "MERLIN!"

"How? I left him to be eaten in the woods. Anyway, did he say anything?" the blonde said worried.

"Not that I know of it."

"Sister, I must discuss with you about this girl...Melissa Zor-El, the one that stole your heart." Morgause began.

Morgana didn't know what she meant, but she was sure it was serious.

"What's wrong, sister?"

"She must never know about your powers..."

"She already does... But I trust her with my life." Morgana cut her off.

"That's what you said about Merlin, too. See what happened!?" Morgause replied.

"I am not giving up on Mel to be Queen, if that's what you mean."

"Sister, it's your destiny to change Camelot."

Morgana didn't know what to do. Mel meant everything to her. She spent the last years hoping to see her again. She promised she'd never let her go.

"She will ruin everything, Morgana."

"No, she won't!" Morgana snapped, making the windows shatter.

Morgause looked down at her feet in defeat. It was obvious how much Morgana cared for Mel and she couldn't convince her. So, Morgause decided to get rid of the girl herself, without her sister knowing. She just needed a plan and an ally to do the job for her.

Morgana returned to Camelot. She met Arthur on the hallway. He looked scared.

"Have you seen Merlin? I can't find him anywhere since this morning. I don't understand where he keeps going." Arthur said clearly worried.

"No, I haven't. Maybe ask Gaius...?"

"I already did." Arthur cut her off disappointed. "Could you cover for me tomorrow? Tell my father something. Don't tell him I'm looking for my servant. Please."

"I see you are very fond of the boy... Sure, Arthur." Morgana agreed.

"Thank you. I owe you."

Returning to her chambers, she saw Mel reorganizing her closet.

"Good to see you, lady Morgana!" Mel said not making eye contact.

"What happened?"

"I missed you." Mel said with a puppy look on her face.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, dear. I had to see my sister... She had urgent business to discuss."

"Like what?" Mel asked curios.

Morgana didn't want to lie to her, but she couldn't tell her that her sister wanted to break them up.

"Magic stuff." the dark haired girl replied huggind the other. "I would like to ask you something... If, somehow, I'd be able to change the law, would you like to be my queen?"

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