Chapter 15

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WARNING ⚠. graphic content.
Felt the need to put this here. You can jump over this bit and I'll tell you when it is safe to read the rest. Just scroll until you see a "<". On with the story for those with a strong stomach...

Morgana found herself in the middle of a battlefield. The sky was red and she felt the taste of blood on her lips. She could feel a sharp blade stuck deep in her guts. She was covered in deep cuts. As she sloppily walked up a hill, she noticed all the bodies laying around her. They were all Camelot knights and soldiers. Crows were feasting with their insides, splashing blood all over their beacks. She looked behind her. The blood dripping from her guts left a trail on the bright green grass. She felt more blood coming out of her lip. She touched it, but quickly removed her hand. Somehow, her lip was cut in half. How did she get in this? She turned back around to where she was headind before observing the trail behind her. An old man was now standing in front of her. The same old man she saw before in her dreams.

"Emrys." Morgana whispered feeling the blade's sharp edge pierce deeper. "Help me, Emrys."

"You brought this to yourself, Morgana. Being full of hate brought you here."

< For those who didn't read the first bit. It's safe to read the rest from here. I'll try to explain to you what I wrote about up without including all the details later in the story. I value your well-being, dear reader.>

Morgana look at him. Emrys was an old man with a big white beard dressed in a red cloak. Something didn't feel right about him. Morgana felt like she knew him.

Then, she woke up in a pool of sweat and Mel calling her name worriedly.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"Just a nightmare. It's gone now." Morgana replied visibly happy.

"Was it bad?"

"I guess yeah... It was disgusting and pretty scary. I was walking through a battlefield and I was feeling a sharp pain in my stomach. My lip was also badly injured. It's over now... Thankfully."

Morgana didn't want to tell Mel about the old man named Emrys or the dead knights. She didn't remember telling her about the other times she had dreams like the last one. Morgana was certain she'd make Mel worried if she'd tell her all and it might have been just a dream. Nothing more.

"Come." Mel said offering Morgana a hug that she, of course, accepted.

They stood like that until Morgana fell asleep. Meanwhile, Mel convinced herself that everyone was wrong about the dark haired girl. She didn't mean to harm anyone. Mel couldn't deny that she still loved her and cared for her.

Morning came faster than they both hoped. Mel looked tired, but Morgana looked like she didn't even sleep.

"Wow. You look good, m'lady." Mel joked.

"You do, too." Morgana replied sarcastically. "Let's get ready for whatever we will be doing today."

"You don't have any plans?" Mel asked remembering Arthur's quest.

"Since we missed Arthur's departure "party", we have nothing on our to-do list. " Morgana said smiling.

" Do they actually throw a party every time he leaves just with Merlin? "

" No, no, no... " Morgana said amused. " Party as in a gathering. The knights, the King and some of the town's folk just come and watch him leave. No one ever knows if he'll ever come back. "

Mel didn't know if the last thing Morgana said was supposed to tell her that Arthur would not return or if she just stated the obvious. She pushed her worries aside and kept smiling. She was determined to lift Morgana up from the darkness she fell in and help her use her powers for good. Maybe things could go back to how they were.

Morgana stuck her hand out and said some words only some knew. At first, Mel was scared, but then, she saw what Morgana actually did. It wasn't an evil ritual. She just made food out of thin air.

"Thought you'd like some breakfast in bed." Morgana said seeing the amazement on Mel face.

They both sat down, ate and talked. It felt so good to just enjoy a little breakfast and just be in each other's presence. Even Oísin woke up when he sniffed the smell of freshly baked bread that Morgana summoned.

"So, what would you be doing now if you'd be Queen?" Mel asked playfully.

"I'd be doing the same thing. Enjoying a nice breakfast with the person I love the most and our loyal dog." Morgana said booping Mel's nose affectionately.

In that moment, Mel knew that she had to do anything to keep Morgana safe from all evils, even from herself. The cute interactions they had with each other meant everything to the blonde. She couldn't lose her. Not again.

Later, Mel had to do her job and left Morgana on her own, even if she was terrified she'd do something regrettable.

On the other side of the kingdom, Merlin and Arthur were riding to the border. They would be passing in Cenred's lands any second.

"Where are we going, though?" Merlin asked for the 100th time.

"Can't tell you. If I do, I have to..."

"Kill me. Yeah, got it." Merlin cut him off.

"I don't even know why I bring you with you. You are always so scared, Merlin!" Prince Arthur said jokingly.

"Maybe I don't want to die horribly."

"I like your optimism."

Right then, a tranquilizer dart was shot from the bushes, aimed for Arthur and making him fall off his horse, asleep. Shortly after, the same happened to Merlin. Not even his magic could keep him awake. Somehow it didn't work like that.

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