Chapter Four: Charlene's Note

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I'd been ready within five minutes of being woken up, though those five minutes were hell. I was unsure of what to expect, and the lack of knowledge made my stomach churn violently.

I could barely eat my breakfast, which Mom had ever so lovingly prepared for me. I felt as though I was going to projectile vomit across the room - which Mom would be extremely exacerbated about, as if she wasn't vexed enough already with the fact that she had to drive me to school, ultimately making her 'late for work' (even though she didn't start until 12:00 pm.)


I grabbed my books and heaved them into my arms, as I waved goodbye to Mom, who drove off as quickly as her car's engine would allow.

Wide-eyed, I admired the enormous building before me, packed with brand new faces and personalities. One student, however, stuck out as if he were a sore thumb (much like I must've been perceived). He wore glasses, a teal shirt, baggy jeans, trainers and a watch. His head in a book - 'Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire', to be precise - his hair covered his face.

I noticed, from the very corner of my eye, two girls whispering and giggling into each other's ears, in turn taking little glances at the boy and I. Not letting paranoia get to me, I strolled confidently - by confidently, I mean I looked stupid - down the stone pavement, towards the building, clutching my possessions solidly, securely.

The hallway was enormous, crammed, still, with students, buzzing. The atmosphere was nuts. I gradually walked slower, more slothfully, admiring it all-
"Hey! Watch it, you skinny, little freak!" a tall, brunette pushed me, with so much force, that I fell, ripping my jeans.

Whilst I gathered myself up off the floor, along with my books, soprano laughter was the noise that filled the hallways. My cheeks were glowing red.

"Hey, tomato!" another from the group teased, "see you round!"

With that, she threw me to the ground once more - yet I wasn't so stupid as to let go of my stuff. I narrowed my eyes at the group of seven I'd just encountered; 'brats', I'd muttered under my breath.

"And would you all please give a big welcome to... Isabella Williams!" the English teacher announced my name, just as the bell had rung to signify the start of the lesson.

I peeked up at the class, after twiddling my fingers about, staring at the laminate flooring. Most of the faces were unfamiliar - I hadn't seen them this morning, except for seven...

The seven brats.

Grinning from ear to ear, the brunette spoke with her utterly malicious voice,

"Sir, can I open the window?"

"Why would you want to do that? It's cold in here."

"Something STINKS," she giggled. This was obviously an aside to me.

"Deal with it!" he replied.

After a while, he gestured for me to sit down.

I chose a seat - next to the window - and sunk down into it.

"Psst... This is for you, from Charlene," a girl with beautiful, red flowing hair chuckled, passing me a note, "don't tell anyone what it says; it's a secret."

The brunette, who had now decided to hate me within hours of knowing me, bit her cheeks in order to prevent herself from laughing - I guessed her name was Charlene.

Hesitantly, I opened the note, careful not to rustle it too loudly.

'Dear Tomato,
You better get yourself out of this school before I beat you out, literally, myself. Nobody likes you, and nobody ever will. Why bother?

Best wishes, Charlene x'

I hid my face with my hair, and placed the note in my pocket, not sparing a glance back at her.

I wasn't exactly likeable, in any way; she was probably right after all.

The rest of the English lecture was just blurred into one big pile of nothingness. I didn't take anything into account that was said in the lesson.
My brain just kept on replaying Charlene's note, over and over...

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