Chapter Nine: Warning

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Anxiously anticipating Ryan's arrival, I perched on the benches outside, pen and paper in hand.

Charlene had taken my 'spot' on the wall, and was currently whispering into Becky's ear; vindictively spreading her venomous rumours around. Judging by her small yet sure glances in my direction, they were about me.

After what seemed like an eternity, Ryan emerged from the building, and situated himself next to me.

"So," he started, clapping his hands in unison with the first word, "let's get this show on the road, shall we?"


"I was thinking..." he trailed off, presumably to unearth what I was giving my full attention to.

"Are you okay?" he questioned, curious, "You don't look too good?"

"Yeah, of course. Carry on," I gestured to what he had written.

"No-no-no-no, something's up. I know that look."

"No, honestly-"

He halted my speech, mid-sentence.

"Is it Charlene?"

I shook my head violently, aware that her group were eavesdropping in on the conversation.

"Look, I know that they've been bullying you. And it's NOT okay. I've seen her do it. I've been tempted to alert the principal numerous times, then decided against it for the soul reason that you might not want me to," he shook his head, with a look upon his complexion of disappointment, "I'm sorry for that. Hey, we don't HAVE to do this now, maybe we can do it after school? Your house?"

"That'd be good," I nodded, sniffling.

I took a glimpse up at the wall that Charlene's gang had just been positioned on, their soprano voices deafening yet again. To my horror, she'd disembarked her stolen 'base' and had promenaded over to us. Their group, which had now gotten at least two new members, surrounded our table - there was no escape from their grasp.

"Oh, look at the two 'love birds'!" Laura remarked, her expression arrogant.

"Leave her alone, you stuck up bitches," Ryan almost growled, his fists clenched.

"Haha! It seems as though you've met your pathetic, little match, eh, Williams?" Charlene snickered.

"Stop it."

"Who the hell are you to tell me what to do? Just go die in a hole - nobody likes you anyway."

"STOP IT!" his voice echoed throughout the turf; even the birds stopped tweeting their content, little melodies.

"Don't you raise your voice at me! You're gonna wish you never did that - you wait and see. You, and your little girlfriend; you watch," she warned, her eyes full of scornfulness and conceited malevolence.

She and her narcissistic posse pranced off, and back into the building as the bell rang.

Ryan and I rushed off in opposite directions; I reluctant to leave his side.

The merciless, inexorable cycle continued. Each opportunity I grabbed at happiness got crushed before me, as Charlene criticised my every move. And despite my desperate attempts, nothing in this world could change that.

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