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sophie & fitz had been officially back together for six days before anyone bothered to tell dex.

he was sitting at his desk, drinking lushberry juice & taking apart an old gadget he had found at the back of his closet, when his imparter rang, & said in keefe's voice, it's the keefster! (he had programmed in a feature that made it say the caller's name, or whatever he recorded, when he was called.) pushing the gadget parts to the side, he brought the imparter in front of him. hey, keefe.

keefe grinned at him, blonde hair artfully styled, as usual. he had seemed happier since he'd been dating tam. dex was happy for him. keefe deserved a good boyfriend. dexy! what's up?

not much, dex said, wiping lushberry juice off of his lips with the back of his hand. why'd you call?

he froze. was that rude? quickly, he stammered, not that i don't appreciate you calling, obviously! &, i mean, you could be calling for no reason at all! that's fine.

keefe laughed. don't worry, dude, i get it. & tam pranked me this morning. i'm planning an epic retaliation, & i need your help for it. can i leap over & explain it?

dex grinned so wide he was sure his dimple had taken over his entire face. it was a nice feeling, being wanted. sure!

a few minutes later, he & keefe were sitting on his bed, planning exactly how to make the fake mallowmelt slice keefe would give tam, all of its disgusting ingredients, & each elixir that would be poured in. they were planning on going to slurps & burps once they had figured out everything they needed, then coming back to dex's room to make it.

dex was sketching a huge model of the mallowmelt, & they were just chatting, talking about whatever. dex wasn't very surprised when keefe said, it's funny. a while ago, we would have both been crushed about fitz & sophie dating again. & now...

he was a little disappointed, though. sophie hadn't even remembered to tell him.

sophie & fitz are dating? he asked, voice small.

oh. you didn't hear? keefe looked at him for a moment. yeah. they are. don't ask me what she sees in him, though. homophobic rat-face.

dex wilted a little. yeah.

you okay?

dex bit his lip. yeah. yeah, no, i'm fine. i'm great.

that afternoon, dex was there when keefe pranked tam. he took a bite of the mallowmelt, gagged, spit it out, & screamed when he realized that his hair was hot pink. it was funny. it was really, really funny.

but it wasn't what dex would remember about that day. no, all he would remember were keefe's words:

don't ask me what she sees in him.

what does she see in him?

what do you see in him?

he would sit in his bed, knees curled to his chest, wondering what was wrong with him. he knew what fitz had done was horrible. how could he still want to kiss him when everyone else he knew & liked wanted to kill him?

sophie doesn't want to kill him, a little voice in his head reminded him. she wants to kiss him, too. your best friend.

& then he wondered if he should be feeling guilty for having a crush on his best friend/cousin's boyfriend.

& then he felt even worse.

& then he remembered that sophie hadn't even bothered to tell him.

& then he didn't know how to feel.

a/n: dex deserves better. sorry i haven't updated in a while. life caught up with me. don't forget to vote & comment, & maybe recommend this series to a friend or two. thanks, & have a great day xx

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