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you seemed kind of mean,
when i first saw you...
your eyes were sharp,
looking so untrusting,
so aloof and mysterious.

in the days i've known you,
i knew for a fact that your door
hasn't completely opened yet
nor are you ready for it...
because you still seem distant.

what i don't understand though
is why do you make it look
like you are devoid of caring
and looking out for others
because i see... i know.

i saw you caring for strays,
the almost silent help and--
thank yous you would share
to even the simplest favors
from the simplest people.

i see the faintest kindness
from the look you sport and--
the softness that you would
always hide from the world,
only peeking for a while.

i know it must be hard,
for you to hide that kindness
as you thought of it as weakness.
but i think it's what makes you,
for me, shine the brightest.

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