Run Away

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We soon sat down at one of the tables they had set up and put our plates down. I could tell Blake, Brian, Jake, and Matt took the hint and chose a different table. They were constantly staring at us, though. They were probably analyzing our every move and trying to figure out what we were saying.

"So, why'd you start playing drums?" he questioned curiously. I was actually kind of surprised about how he seemed so comfortable around. I thought he was a quiet guy, but, I guessed I was wrong or maybe he had the feeling of how right this felt, too.

"My older brother plays, so I asked him to teach me one day," I responded taking a bite of my beans. I remembered the day I sat behind my older brother, Michael's, drum set and commanded he teach me what he knew. I could barely reach the pedal at the time, but I loved it right from the beginning.

"Cool. You play anything else?" he asked, looking at me with those amazing emerald irises. He was so handsome it was unbelievable.

"I taught myself how to play guitar a while ago. I'm not that good, but I try," I answered with a chuckle. After some research on the internet, I could really only play a few cords, but I was trying to learn more when we were home from tour.

"I'm sure you're better than you think," he reassured me. I liked how anytime I put myself down, he would automatically try to make me feel better. It was sweet.

I laughed a bit. "What about you? You play anything else besides bass?" I asked. He seemed like one of those people who had about a million hidden talents.

"Just guitar," he answered. He acted like it was no big deal. As I've said, I've picked up a guitar and it was hard as fuck to switch from cord to cord so quickly. He should totally be proud of himself.

"Any other hobbies?" I asked, wanting to find out if my hunch about him having limitless talents. I wanted to know everything about him. He seemed so...complexed and I felt like I needed to know everything.

I saw him smile. "Hobbies? Well, I skateboard and I do a lot of photography," he told me. He put a forkful of chicken in his mouth and chewed it quietly. I knew he was skillful at more than just music.

"That's cool," I commented. I was gifted at neither of those things. I had the balance of a baby trying to walk for the first time and every time I took a picture, I could never get it to look the way I wanted.

"What about you?" he asked. I seriously couldn't imagine I better way to spend my first dinner on Warped Tour. He might just be one of my favorite to talk to.

"I draw sometimes, but I'm not that good," I replied with a shrug. I always said if the band didn't work out I would be a tattoo artist if I got my drawing skills up to par.

"Again, I'm sure your better than you think. I'd love to see some of them sometime," he told me. Again, he complimented me when I had doubted myself. He was so cute.

"Maybe," I said with a shy smile. I never showed my drawings to anyone. Not even the rest of the band had seen them and I had known them forever. I trusted them with my life, but never had the courage to show them my drawings.

We talked for a while more until he finally said, "I guess we should be heading back." He sounded like he wished he could stay longer, but bus call would happen soon and we needed to get back to our busses.

"Yeah," I said just as reluctantly. The last thing I wanted was for this night to end. It all seemed so perfect and I could've stayed talking to him for the rest of my life.

"Want me to walk you to your bus?" he asked hopefully. He was too sweet. He flashed me a smile that almost made my heart melt.

"Yeah, sure," I said a little more happily than I wanted to sound. Again, not sounding desperate was high up on the list.

We then start walking back to the buses slowly. We both stayed quiet. I could tell he was deep in thought just like I was. When we arrived at my bus, he paused. He still didn't say anything. He started to lean in, eyes closed. He was gonna kissed me. He was gonna fucking kiss me. His lips collided with mine and my eyes closed. I have one word for you: fireworks. He was a fucking amazing kisser. I didn't want it to end. When it did, he backed up with a blush on his cheeks.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow," he said quickly and pretty much ran off. Had I done something wrong? Was I really that bad of a kisser? Maybe he was just embarrassed. A girl could hope. I thought everything had went well that night. Maybe I was wrong. I sighed and opened the bus door.

"Hey, Mrs. Merrick," Blake teased playfully. I immediately stuck up my middle finger. I seriously hated their teasing sometimes. They needed to know when to stop.

"Yeah, no. I don't think so," I said sadly and sat down with a huff. Was I seriously that bad of a kisser? I mean, I knew it had been awhile, but come on. I couldn't be that bad.

"Why not?" Matt asked sitting down across from me. His brow furrowed in concern and confusion. He was always the kind to be worried about other people and the rest of the band was always way too protective over me.

"Well, he kissed me-" I was cut off by "ooohhh"'s. I rolled my eyes at their childishness before continuing. "And then he practically ran away," I finished with a sigh. I was still trying to comprehend why he had dashed away.

"He kissed you?!" Jake exclaimed, moving to the edge of his seat. I guess not having a boyfriend for two years caused my friends to be pretty shocked that I was starting a new relationship.

"Yeah, but he couldn't get away fast enough," I pointed out. I sighed. Sometimes I wished I had a girl to talk to. Unfortunately, it was just me and eight guys including our crew.

"Maybe he was just embarrassed. He probably wasn't sure if you were on the same page as him," Brian suggested with a shrug. He was probably right. I had a tendency to overreact over everything. Even though he probably was right, I had a hard time believing it.

"Yeah, sure," I said sarcastically. I was almost convoked it was just my kissing skills. I was out of practice when it came to locking lips and I was sure that was the reason for his sudden take off.

"The guy seems pretty shy, so it's possible. And making the first move can always be a little embarrassing, not to mention nerve-racking," Blake reassured me with a half-heated smile.

"Ok," I sighed. I didn't exactly believe them, but they tried to make me feel better. That's what friends were for. They picked you up when you were down, right? "I'm tired. I'm bona go to bed," I announced and got up.

"Ok," Jake said. I then went into the bathroom and changed into an oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I climbed into my bunk. I wasn't actually tired; I just wanted to be alone. I picked up my phone and played a few games before actually going to bed. Hopefully tomorrow would be better.

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