Shut Up and Kiss Me

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I felt accomplished. I had done it. I had kissed her. I just liked her so much. I could almost say I loved her. I knew it was quick, but I just couldn't help myself. She was perfect, well, for me anyways. I loved everything about her. Her smile, her eyes, her sense of humor. I walked away from our first kiss with a smile on my face. I happily stroked on to the bus and sat down.

"Why are you so happy?" Alex asked. I could tell by the look on his face he was hoping it was something involving Cameron.

"No reason," I lied. I could feel myself grinning from ear to ear. I was pretty bad at hiding my emotions, especially not when it comes to someone like Cameron.

"You aren't a happy person. Tell us!" Jack shouted so loud I'm pretty sure every band on Warped Tour heard him. He could be so obnoxious sometimes, but it didn't even bother me this.

"God, fine," I said with a fake huff. I took a seat next to Jack and was about to talk when Alex started to cut me off.

"Is it that chick you ran into? The drummer?" Alex asked hopefully. I knew they were all just trying to make sure I was happy and they were pretty persistent to know the details. Being the type of guy that tended to keep things to myself, I wasn't sure if I wanted them knowing every single detail of my life

I nodded. "What's her name?" Rian demanded, "And what band is she in?" He seemed to perk up as soon as he heard the word 'drummer.'

"Her name's Cameron and she's in Forever Is All That We Need," I answered. He gave me an impressed nod. It was possible he had heard of them before or he was impressed about them having a girl drummer.

"Oh, I've heard of them. I didn't know they had a female drummer," Rian commented. I would definitely need to take him to their set one day soon.

"Is she hot?" Jack questioned. Leave it to Jack to ask that. If she didn't have big boobs, he wouldn't be interested in her. That was just how Jack was.

"Oh, she's way more just than hot," Alex said. I grinned and nodded in agreement. He was so right. At least I thought so. If I told her that, she'd probably deny me, but I thought she was perfect.

"Oh really?" Rian asked, obviously not believing us. He would start believing us as soon as he laid eyes on her.

"Yep," I nodded. Since I had such a beautiful girl who seemed into me, I figured why not flaunt it? While Rian had his own hot girlfriend, he would have to admit Cameron was pretty when he saw her.

"You gotta see her to fully embrace her hotness," Alex informed him matter-of-factly. If Alex thought she was so hot, it was surprising he wasn't trying to get her, too, but I guess I had seen her first and he knew when to back off.

"So, are you guys, like, going out?" Jack asked curiously. As much as I wanted to say yes, I knew it would be a lie since we literally just met this morning.

"I just met her!" I exclaimed in astonishment. While Jack might move fast, I liked to take things slow. Even so, no one could call knowing someone for less than twenty four hours a relationship.

"Well, if she's that hot you gotta grab her up," Jack told me. He acted as if he knew everything about having a girlfriend. He could barely keep a girl for more than a few months.

"I don't have to do it so fast," I countered. They couldn't seriously expect me to just consider her my girlfriend after a short conversation and dinner.

"Yeah, but there are tons of other guys. Bands are almost all guys. You gotta make sure no one else gets her," Alex advised me. He also acted like this was the best advice ever.

"Whatever, guys. This is my situation, not yours," I told them. I was annoyed to say the least. I knew Cameron liked me. Couldn't we just take it one step at a time?

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