Replacement Girl (Chapter 3)

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My life was going just as I had imagined. Jiyoung loved me more than anything in this world, he treated me with so much love and care that I thought he'd never make me sad or unhappy. He made me as someone so special that I loved myself more than I ever did. I didn't feel weak with him, my life was full of happiness and love. He showed no lack in loving me, he told me I was his everything. If only that was true.

We have been in relationship for two years, and these years were one of my most beautiful years that I cherished. His parents were also the sweetest people I've met. They had no problem with our relationship. These years Jiyoung made believe that some people change everything in your life when it's the right time. After being in relationship for two years, he decided to take our relationship to next level and that's when he proposed me. We were in our favourite restaurant when he kneeled down on one knee, pulled out a ring and said...

Jiyoung:"Will you marry me?"
I was so deeply in love with him that I did not think about anything else and just said...

Thinking that this decision would change our lives I said yes. And yes, it did change lives.

Eight months after Jiyoung proposed me, he started acting strange. He would usually come home late at night. He even did overtime alot more than before. The time that we spend together was very less. He would never come home on time so that we can spend time together. Before he couldn't even stay without me for some hours, but now he was always busy for me.

He was now behaving like I was no one to him. He wouldn't even kiss me anymore, just pecks on the cheeks. His hugs felt nothing, his smiles were fake and his expressions said that he was not happy to have me near him. He was a lot different than before. I thought he was stressed because the of the work load, so I let it go and decided to give some space to both of us because I was stressed too.

I suggested him that both of us should go to a vacation together, because I wanted to make things right between us again. He agreed and we both went to Paris for a week. I thought that this vacation would make our relationship better, but things became more worse between us. During our stay at Paris, Jiyoung would be gone out for hours and when I asked him where he was he would always say that he was with Jisung, his friend. I did not expect Jisung to be in Paris because last week he was working on a very important project, but I thought that maybe he gave the work to his colleagues because sometimes he does that.

And also Jiyoung would never leave his phone. He was always working or doing something on his phone. He spend more time on his phone than me. I even saw him smiling while he was texting someone, when I asked him who it was he would just shake it off and change the topic. I was feeling weird, I was feeling something was wrong, but I would always look at the ring that he gave me and said to myself that everything will be alright. But deep down in my heart, I knew he was hiding something from me.

After we came back from our vacation, we decided to have a dinner with our friends at our house. The day in the noon, Jiyoung went to buy groceries from the store. I cleaned the house and by 5 pm I started to prepare the food from whatever was left in the kitchen. I was preparing snacks as our guest started to come. It was 7 pm by now and there was no sign of him. Our friends were started asking me about him but I just said that he went out to buy some drinks for us. 8.30 and still no sign of him. I decided to talk to my friends that was when I asked Jisung about his project.

Y/N:"Jisung how's your project going?"

Jisung:"We completed that last week. It was a tough one." He smiled.

Y/N:"Last week? That early. Your colleagues might have worked hard without you by their side."

Jisung:"Without me? I was with them the whole week. We even did late night shifts just to complete this project before deadline."

Y/N:"Whole week? Didn't you went Paris last week? Jiyoung said that you were also at Paris for some work."

Jisung:"I haven't went to Paris for almost two months now. How come he even saw me there? Maybe he was messing with you or missing me alot." Everyone in the room laughed.

I was standing there smiling and thinking that why would he lie to me. Just then Jiyoung entered. He was huffing and their was sweat on his forehead. He was smiling, he was very happy than usual and his cheeks were flushed in red.

Jisung:"Here comes my secret lover."

Then he kept the groceries on the kitchen counter and went to talk to his friends. As I was talking with Jisung I saw some red marks on his neck. He was trying to hide them with his collars. And I was trying to hide my tears. He stopped my every attempt to get closer to him.

After our friends had left, I went to our room and slept because I didn't wanted any fight. I thought I'd talked to him about the marks in morning because I didn't wanted to make any wrong decisions while I was angry. When I woke up, he wasn't in the house but he left a message saying that he will sleeping over at Jisung's house.

I cried the whole day thinking about the past few days. Thinking how much he had changed. I didn't wanted to leave him so I decided to cool my mood so that I won't do some stupid s**t because of my anger.

I went to the park. Inside the park, I decided to go to the place I loved the most. The cheery blossom tree. It was Jiyoung's and my favourite place to hangout together, before all of this happened. When I went there, I saw something I was scared about. Jiyoung was with a girl, holding each other's hands, looking into each other's eyes, which happened to be his ex-girlfriend Rosan.


Thank you for reading and giving your precious time to this story.♥️

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