a/n: sorry for taking so long to update! Also smut smut :))
Amber POV
I wake up to find myself in my bed alone. I pouted but checked my phone to see a text from Harry and I smiled when I read it.
Harry : Good morning beautiful, I'm sorry I had to leave before you woke up but I have some work to do. Text me when you wake up and we can plan another time to hang out...? x
Amber : Good morning! You're good, thank you for staying with me :) I start my full time job at the salon tomorrow but I might be free next Sunday. x
I smiled and got up to get ready for the day, not waiting for a reply. I took a shower, drying and brushing my hair, letting it be natural today and decided to call Sadie. She picks up right away.
"Hey! What's up?" She answers
"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to do something today? Go shopping maybe? I kinda want to look at some things..."
"What do you mean by "some things" Amber?" She questioned with a hint of amusement.
"Lingerie?" I laugh
"You dirty animal!!" She laughed "You already want to have sex with Harry? Scandalous" she tuts
"No, I'm not ready for that yet but I do enjoy the way I am with him okay and I want to try some things."
"Okay, I'll be there in 10, you dirty mouse"
I laugh "bye babe" I reply and hang up. I throw on a pair of ripped jeans and a oversized 'Heartbreak Weather' shirt and throw on my white vans. I don't need to be fancy today. I make myself a berry smoothie bowl and eat it in just enough time. Sadie honks her horn and I yell "Coming!" as I run out the door, making sure to lock my apartment.
We arrive to the store, looking through several lingerie sets. Some of them scare me to be honest but I pick up a few anyway. Occasionally Sadie will throw one at me saying "oh my gosh you have to try this" I finish collecting and go try them on, Sadie in the dressing room with me. I try on the first couple but most of them too small for my breasts and a little itchy. As I reach for last white lace set and immediately smirk when I put it on. "Damn, girl you look hot!" Sadie says with her jaw dropped. "You should send a picture to Harry! He will go crazy" she includes I debate it for a minute but then decide, why the hell not?
I make her go out of the room to take the picture and look it over for a minute before pressing send and adding. "Just doing some shopping today, looking forward to this weekend. x"
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_________ Harry POV
I sit at the table in the conference room, looking over tour dates and finalizing things with my team when my phone vibrates. I pull it out to look at it, seeing her text from earlier that I forgot to reply to but then my eyes pop open and I nearly drop my phone. Jeff excuses us for the day and I quickly make it to my car and type out what I want to say.