A Fighting Chance

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I step down the stone stairs as I cautiously trail my hand against the walls of the stairs. It feels more like cobblestone than sand. My other hand wavers out in front of me in the total darkness. I twist my head backwards and gaze at the darkness radiating from above then stop. I had only begun my descent a few minutes ago, and already the light is gone. The total blackness is unnerving. I let out a shaky breath, and it echoes in my ears. I turn back down the stairs to slowly walk down them again. My hand is wet from water dripping down the wall and I mentally debate whether it is from the tide earlier, or if it is from the tide coming in now. I really hope it is from earlier.

Something feels different now. the air feels...older. It feels stale. I sigh and hold my temple. I have a haunting headache right now. When I close my eyes, I can see the woman’s face just before she let go. Who is she? I drop my hand and open my eyes.

I can just make out the faint outline of my hands against the stairs. I hurry my descent, seeing a faint light reflect off the wet cobblestone. I continue walking, staring at my hands.

Dim light, like flame, flickers against a wall that I can now make out down the stairs. The sight of light burns my eyes so I turn my gaze down the stairs. The stairs gleam with water; I notice my crystallized breath in the air with each breath. My hand presses up against the wall and I lean against it for support, holding my hand against my eyes. The dim light makes my eyes ache already. I step forward with a splash. I drop my head as brilliant light cuts through my fingers. The light stings my eyes so I close them to a world of red, waiting against the wall until the pain recedes.

As the brilliance fades, I open my eyes a crack. Soaked green moss holds onto grey cobblestone, curling around my toes. My feet are purple and blue from the cold. They feel like a dull ache. I also did not realize I was standing on this slimy moss as well as water!

My eyes are now adjusted enough that I carefully pull my hand away. A bright light glares at me from my right. An ancient cobblestone corridor stretches past the reaches of the light.

Holstered onto the wall by a silver bracket, a torch flickers. I push off the wall and grab the torch by the shaft, hoisting it out. The heat of the torch radiates warmth through me. The heat feels so nice against my skin, especially since I have been constantly cold since I woke up. I look back towards the stairs, considering leaving. This place is way too strange. I might just take my chances with the sea serpent but instead of the stairs that I had just tumbled from, a corridor stretches on into the darkness!

 "No, no no no," I whisper, rushing forward. The stairs are completely gone. There is absolutely nothing of them left. I frantically feel at the stone with my hand, searching for any crack or crevice. The stairs were just right here! They could not have just left.

I back away slowly. I am trapped. As suddenly as they appeared, the stairs disappeared. I turn around, both sides of the hallway stretching into the darkness. What now? Hopefully the tide will not be able to get down here now. So, now that I am down here, which way should I go?

I wave the torch back and forth towards the tunnels. I guess it does not matter which way I go, so I turn to my right and begin walking. I can faintly hear water dripping. I shiver and look back over my shoulder. Still the same old darkness.

My head hurts a lot. .I cannot stop thinking about that woman. Something about her feels important. If she survived, then I really hope I can find her. Not just for my past, but also because of that feeling, the one that I cannot get rid of. Did she mean something to me?

I also wonder what happened to the other sailors. Did they make it out alive, or was it their oar that and boat remains that I found on the shore? If they did survive, then maybe they came down here too. This hallway feels like it is never going to end, ever.

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