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"Liam! Sweetie come downstairs for me please!" My mother yelled and I rushed downstairs, not wanting her to call a second time. "Yes mom?" I  asked her, sitting on a chair while she put a cake in the oven. She only bakes when she's expecting company. "You know the James' that live a couple blocks down. Well, they have a daughter named Jordan and we were thinking that you two would meet up." She said with a smile. Who names their daughter Jordan? What about Samantha or Leah? "Mom. No." I said. She looked at me, and as if she was trying to send a death threat, she took up the knife and started chopping up carrots really aggressively. "It's okay if you don't want to go. I mean, you, your father and myself could just sit and eat this extreme dinner that I prepared for you and Jordan along with me and your father but it's okay." She said and checked on the cake. I let out a sigh and shook my head. "Fine." "Perfect! She'll be waiting at the park." My mom said and I rushed upstairs. I quickly showered and put on some black ripped jeans, a plain white T-shirt, red Air Jordans and a gold Rolex watch. I was heading downstairs and my dad walked inside as soon as I opened the door. "Hello son. I see that you're going to meet Jordan." He says and I nodded. He then leaned down and whispered, "I hear that she's really hot. See if you can tap that ass." He walked away and left me clutching my side with laughter. My dad is the mayor and he acts so serious all the time but he's actually a teenager in a thirty-one year old man's body. I walked out after saying bye to my parents and then something hit me. I don't even know what this girl looks like. I did what any sensible person would and I Google her name. Jordan James. A promising amateur racer. No. This couldn't be right. She's a James kid. Those people are all prim and proper. The racer Jordan did look kinda hot though.

I walked over to the park and looked around to see if I saw her. There was a girl sitting on a bench engulfed in her phone who looked like the picture so I walked over to her and made sure to put on my charm. "Jordan James?" I asked and flashed her a smile. She looked up from her phone and looked at me with huge brown eyes and long, black eyelashes. "Liam Stone?" She asked with a smile, showing her perfect teeth. I nodded and she smiled. She stood up and wrapped me in a big hug. My body immediately tensed under this gesture. It wasn't an I need you in my bed right now kind of hug that other girls usually gave me but it was kind of like a You're in the friend zone so stay there type of hug. It was a big hit to my ego but I didn't mind.

Kylie came over and dressed me in a decent pair of jeans with a black crop top and a biker jacket over it followed by a pair of white Adidas, a gold bracelet and just a touch of makeup and trust me, I was looking fine. While I hugged Liam, his body tensed up so I quickly pulled away, thinking that he was uncomfortable with me. "So what do we do now?" I asked him as I rocked back and forth. "Well, I know you might not want to do this but my mom prepared a big dinner for us. So I'm guessing my house?" He said awkwardly as I followed him to his home. Going home with a guy you just met. This is low Jordan. Low.
Still Jordan's POV

"Hello Jordan! Welcome to our home. We are so glad to have you here." Mrs. Stone said as she hugged me and I awkwardly stood there, not knowing what to do. At the same time, Mr. Stone came up to me. "It's a pleasure to meet you Jordan. Please, feel free to explore while my wife and I finish up dinner." He says, taking my hand and kissing it as I grimaced. It looks to me that your wife is the one making the dinner. I nodded as he went and sat down in front of the TV watching reruns of The Golden Girls. I looked around the house. I was not about to walk around the house by myself. This is probably the biggest house in our neighborhood. Apparently, Liam saw my weird facial expression because he motioned for me to follow him upstairs. "Where are you taking me?" I asked while folding my arms above my chest. "Relax. I'm not going to rape you." He assured me as I followed him upstairs and into his room. I looked around and his room was pretty clean for a boy. "Yes, boys keep their surroundings clean too." He says while rolling his eyes. "I didn't even say anything!" I yelled while playfully pushing him as he stumbled on his bed. "Woah Jordan. Take me to dinner first." He said with a smile and it took me a while to realize what he meant. For the first, I wasn't able to think of a rude comeback so I just stuck my tongue out at him childishly.

My eyes travelled over to a corner of the room where I laid my eyes on the most beautiful thing in his room. It was a PS4 and two controllers. I looked over at him excitedly, unable to control my movements. He looked at me and laughed. That laugh. Jordan, no. "You wanna play?" He asked. I didn't even answer him, instead, I just ran over and sat down on one of the bean bag chairs and signed into Call of Duty after which I tapped the chair beside me as a signal for him to come play with me. "You're really just signed up to get your ass handed to you." He stated. "Okay then. We'll see about that." I challenged as we started our game.

"Thank you for the lovely dinner Natalie." Jordan said with gratitude. Yep. She gets to call my mom Natalie and my father Garrick. Not cool. Not cool at all. "Oh you're welcome honey." My mom said as she smiled back. "Jordan, we would love to have you back here soon. How about we all go for some bowling next Friday?" My father suggested and everybody agreed, including me. I love Jordan's competitive side. It was clear that she was a tomboy and she thought of me as nothing more than a friend but I was okay with that. Plus, there's nothing wrong with me trying to carefully ease my way out of the  friend zone. "I'm sorry Garrick but I have plans. Maybe another time." She said. My mother visibly frowned. "Oh, what kind of plans?" She interrogated. "Oh..I'm uhh..going out. With my friend Kylie." She said while rubbing her elbow. My mother looked like she was about to investigate further but my dad and I gave her a warning look. "Liam, could you ensure that Jordan gets home safely please?" My mom asked and I nodded before me and Jordan went outside.

We walked in silence for about five minutes. "So you're a racer?" I broke the silence. She stopped dead in her tracks and looked at me, an emotion that I couldn't match to any look she's given me before. She grabbed me by my shirt and I was kind of starting to fear for my life. "Who told you that information?" She asked through gritted teeth. "N-nobody I just saw it on Google." I managed to stutter. She looked at me with those same brown eyes but this time, I realized that there were little flecks of green in them. She put me down and straightened my shirt. "I'm sorry. I just lost it for a second there." She said, her cheeks turning a tomato red. We continued walking. "What's the big deal about you and racing?" I asked her. She sighed. "I've been sneaking out to the race track since I was fourteen. My mom recently found out that I was going there and she banned me from it. I already had a very important race scheduled for Friday and I couldn't back down. That's why I declined your father's offer." She explained briefly. That was a lot of information for me to process. "I wish I could do that. Unfortunately, as the mayor's son, I have an image to uphold." I solemnly said and Jordan looked at me as if I was an idiot. "Don't you think I have one too? Sure, yours is more important than mine but my parents' occupations are just as important as yours." She said aggressively. We were in front of her house now. All the lights were off except for the one in her room. "Besides, all you have to do is know what you want and go for it." She said to me. I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her in. "I want you. Should I go for it?" I asked her teasingly. She looked at me with those eyes. "Mi amor, those eyes will be the death of me." I said before bringing her into a kiss.

I expected her to kick me where the sun doesn't shine and to my surprise, she didn't. Instead, she kissed me back passionately. Soft moans escaped her lips as I pulled her in closer. I rubbed my tongue against her bottom lip and she separated her lips, granting me full access. After about a minute we pulled away to catch our breath, mostly Jordan since I was an expert at this. "First time?" I asked and she nodded. "Good." I say as we say our goodbyes.

As I opened my bedroom door, I was quickly grabbed and pushed on the bed. The lights were turned off and I felt the warmth of a body. "Your parents aren't home and Jackson is asleep. Tell me everything." The voice said and I immediately matched it to Kylie's. We sat there giggling like teenagers, which we are, as I told her every single detail. We were not going to sleep for now.
Word count - 1752 words

Thanks for reading. I'm so sorry but these chapters are essential for the story to build up to the main plot. Soo..srry again. Don't forget to comment, vote and share! Thanks ppl


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