~Chapter 9~

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Angels P.O.V

"So your sister told me what happened.. are you alright" Alastor walks up to me and sits on the floor crisscrossed "I'm okay" I turn away from him but not until he pushes my head over to look at me- we both lock eye contact "listen please tell me if anything is wrong because I'm here for you" he grabs my hand and holds it. I start to tear up and hug him gently. His ear twitches as always from my sudden movement of hugging him but a moment later he hugs back "it's okay.."

He's making me feel safe.. like if I where a child and he's my mom. It's especially weird because he's not okay with anyone touching him.

I start to explain to him what happened and he holds my hand the whole time. "Your alright- I'm here for you" someone then knock on the door ruining the mood. Alastor jumps and lets go of my hand. He clears his throat "who is it?" He questioned "it's molly and arackniss" "come in" molly and arackniss walk in. Molly jumps to me and hugs me- I wipe the tears off my cheek and sigh while rubbing molly head as she hugs me "Molly are you okay!" "Yeah I'm all better! Niffty, Charlie and vaggie helped me" arackniss walks up and starts itching the back of his head "listen I'm sorry dude-.." "it's alright" he hands me back my gun and I put it underneath my bed. as soon as I knew it everyone was hugging me- except Alastor (I can tell it's not his thing) we then break up from hugging. "Wait, oh I forgot I have to unpack!" "Oh so do I..but it can wait" "oh no you guys- you can go if you want, I just really need some quality alone time" "are you sure?" "Yeah it's fine.." molly smiles at me and walks off with arackniss. "Alastor, I need some alone time" Alastor gets up and brushes himself off "of course my dear" I get up and walk him over to the door "thank you for walking over and checking on me-" "no problem" I open the door for Alastor and he walks out-

I close the door and place my back to it, slowly sliding down and I end up in a sitting position on my floor. I run my hand through my hair and start to shead tears. "I-.. can't be-believe I just killed my dad.. MY OWN FUCKING DAD! But he deserved..it.." I rub my face and get up. "W-why am I crying- he fucking deserved it..I don't even love him after what he did to me!" I open my mini fridge and grab a bottle of whisky "no-.. I ain't drinking- I don't want that to happen again.." I place the bottle of whisky on my dresser and flop myself on my bed. I realized I accidentally woken up fat nuggets "oh I'm sorry fat nuggies" fat nuggets curls back up in a ball and goes back to sleep like if nothing just happened. I just stare at my ceiling and think- how come Alastor is being so- generous to me.. he basically dislikes me and my personality. I just- he can't have a crush on me... He's ace- that would make no sense if he dates a gay spider! I just have so many emotions hitting me, batting me in the head- impaling me with confusion.

I pull myself off of my bed and grab the whiskey off my dresser "a little won't hurt-" I twist the top off of the bottle and toss it on the dresser. I then start to drink the whisky down halfway. I take the bottle and place it back on the dresser, it falls over to my surprise. I walk to the door and open it forcefully. I start to waddle down the stairs drunk as fuck from the hardcore whisky- my eyes where droopy and I couldn't balance myself to the greatest. Alastor was talking to someone. he turns around and looks at me "Why hello there angel! Are you feeling any better" I ingnore him, walk over to the bar and sit on a stool "The fucks up with you?" Husk said "w-wha no I good.. I-I be good.. I AM GOOD!" I didn't expect for that whisky to hit THAT hard "From my experience with drinking you are not fucking 'Okay'" Alastor walks over to me "uhm- Angel are you alright?" "I am.. I- Yes" Alastor cocks an eyebrow "Well angel you should go back to your room-" "NO- I want to talk to husky~" I poke husks nose but he flintches back, almost falling "Just take him to his room-" Alastor nods. He grabs my arm and pulls me upstairs to my room "angel.. where you drinking yet again?" "wha- NO!" I see Charlie talking to vaggie and kissing her. Alastor opens my door and sits me on my bed, he spots the leftover whisky and goes to throw away the whisky "NOOOO-" "calm down-.." he opens my window and tosses the whisky out the window. "heuy Alastor..?" "What is it dear?" "So you know that red deer demon rig-right?" "Uhm" Alastor stares at me- his grin getting wider, (I don't even know how) "I- think I got a *hiccup* crush on this d-demon" Alastor freezes and has no sent of emotion- his eyes glow into a more deeper and seductive red.

(Yeah a seductive red)

"Oh-" Alastor said "but he-s ace.. and I love hImM-" Alastor walks over to my closet and gets out some clothes- "Maybe this deer demon doesn't have to be ace to love someone truly for the way they are.." "YeAh!" He hands me some clothes "put this on.." "Alright.." Alastor then walks into the bathroom and closes the door. I then change into the long t-shirt with shorts. "okAy I'm good.." Alastor opens the door and leans on the door frame, crossing his arms and looking at me "do you know what time it is angel?" "No- what is it?" "Bedtime" I look up at my clock to realize it's 1:02 in the morning "you have to wake up early in the morning" my eyes go back to Alastor, piercing into his eyes. "But I don't want to go to sleep.." "Just go to bed alright..? Your completely drunken out of your mind and I don't want you to get hurt again" "f-fine" Alastor gets up and I lay down on my bed "good night-" Alastor waves to me and shuts off the lights- I could see his eyes glow a rosey red as he left my room. I put the blankets over me, covering my legs and second pair of arms. I then attempt to fall asleep but all I have marked on my mind is Alastor. After about 10 minutes of rolling around trying to get comfortable I find myself dead asleep.

(Alright I need to talk- I'm going to make stuff alittle more happier and not filled with angel sobbing and Alastor helping him because I don't mean to bore you with the same thing circling in the story. So expect brighter things in the future!)

Also thank you so much for almost 1k views!

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