I tried not to cringe at the chapter before. Hope this one turns out better. >.<
Also Hugo won't be introduced here yet because this chapter is based on the movie (so this is gonna be super long).
If you don't want to read this you can skip. All the characters' ages range from 13-14 except Sofia who's 12.
Word Count: 5377
The birds' chirping woke Dawn up like any other day except that today was her first day at Royal Prep.
She was estatic. Estatic to make new friends, learn new things, and find the adventure she was longing for. You could say today was the total package.
As always the birds helped her get ready. She wore a brand new dress just for the occasion.
She thanked them, and went to eat breakfast.
The whole time she was smiling so brightly. She then waved goodbye to her parents and was off to Royal Prep Academy in her carriage.
She looked out to the beautiful view. It made her think of the possibilities in the magical world.
She then arrived at the school and the second she stepped off the carriage, she was greeted.
"Princess Dawn!" A woman's voice said delightfully. Dawn looked around, but didn't see anyone.
"Up here, dear." Another woman's voice said. Dawn looked up to see three fairies, and she instantly knew who they were.
"Welcome to the Royal Preparatory Academy." The red fairy started."I'm Flora, and this is Fauna, and this is-" She was cut off by the blue fairy. "Merryweather. We are the headmistresses-" She was cut off by Miss Flora. "Of Royal Prep."
Miss Fauna then started. "We're so excited you're here. We're always looking for a few good princesses."She tapped her wand on Dawn's tiara.
Dawn smiled at them. "Thank you for having me here. I'm so excited to learn from you three! I'm a huge fan!"
They all smiled back at her. "Well that's good to hear!" Miss Flora said.
She smiled. As she was walking with them, she didn't realize that she had bumped into a princess. "Oh! My apologies. I did not look where I was going." Dawn said sheepishly.
"It's fine. Are you new here?" The princess asked hopefully.
Dawn did a quick examination of her.
She had brown hair and was wearing a purple dress with an amulet that looked exactly like hers, but it was purple.
"Yes, I am! And you?" Dawn asked her back.
"Yep!" The princess replied. "I also need to learn how to be a proper princess by Friday."
Dawn was confused on why she used the term 'proper princess'. Wasn't the brunette already a princess? Then realization struck her.
"Oh! Are you the new princess of Enchancia?" Dawn asked the other princess who nodded.
"My name is Sofia, what's yours?"
"Dawn." The blonde princess replied with a curtsy.
Miss Flora then chuckled. "I'm afraid it will take a little longer than a few days to be a princess. You see.."
(You can watch the video now...if you dare :3)
Dawn and Sofia went to their first class together.
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