Even though the writing kinda sucks, I wanna thank you guys for enjoying it either way. I haven't touched this book in a while, so hopefully, I have slightly improved :)
Word Count : 586
~Dawn's POV~
"Oof!" I gasped as I bumped into somebody. My book fell, and I nearly lost my balance if it weren't for the stranger holding me. "Are you okay?" I looked up to meet the stranger's eyes...And I froze.They were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. He gently loosened his grip on me and reached down to grab the book. "So. You like Peter Pan too?" He asked as he gave me my book.
"I-um, yes. I like the book. The story's really interesting and all in all, a wonderful novel." I finally calmed down and smiled at him. "Thanks for saving me from a huge embarrassment."
"It's alright." He held out his hand, flashing a brillant smile, "I'm Hugo."
"What. Where have I heard that name before?"
"Dawn." I replied, feeling my heartbeat quicken as I took his hand.
We both looked at each other, not quite knowing what else to say. The awkward silence was getting more and more unbearable. "Come on Dawn! Say something!"
"Sofia! The bleachers are this way." Amber told her sister, surprising Hugo and me. "Well, it was really nice meeting you, Dawn." He winked and suddenly he had this confident presence around him as he walked over to the rest of the boys.
But the thing that caught my attention was Sofia as she went in the same direction as Hugo.
"Good morning! Who's ready to race some flying horses?" Sir Gillium called out to the boys as they cheered. "Good morning Sir Gilium!" Sofia smiled.
"Oh, hello Princess, the bleachers are over there." The man pointed to the array of seats. "I didn't come to watch, Sir Gillium, I came to try out for the team!" Sofia said proudly. Everyone looked at her, shocked. "What?!" They all exclaimed simultaneously.
"Oh no."
"Wha...what's wrong?" Sofia looks at them in confusion. "Um, only princes can ride in the flying derby." Hugo smirked which made me question myself.
"Why is he acting like this?"
"So princesses can't try out?" Sofia asked. "Well, uh, they could but-" Sir Gillium said nervously, before getting cut off by Amber. "But they don't. The flying derby is just not a princess thing."
(um, they're supposed to break out into song but I'm too lazy so if you want, you can watch the video above, oh, and get ready for the nostalgia)
I stood and watched as they performed a spontaneous song.
"Oh wow, did they prepare for this?" I thought as Sofia sang the last part.
"But who knows what I can bring
Flying high upon a wing
I believe that anything
Can be a princess thing"I smiled at her, "You know, just because no princess has tried to ride on the flying derby doesn't mean they shouldn't."
Sofia tried to smile back but I could tell that she was still upset.
"Oh boy, I'm so gonna regret this."
"...Tell you what. If you decide you want to try out, I'll join you."
[A/N: So, Hugo will be intrigued by Dawn because of her appearance. And really, he's a jerk askdnkdjd but he'll go through some character development. Sorry if this chapter was short for you. I can assure you that the next chapter's gonna be super long though lol cya💘💘]
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