Chapter 56: Time left together

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.... That same day......

Cherri opened the door not bothering to knock but, when did she ever? "Hey Angel you in here-" She paused her eyes growing wide and settling on the scene in front of her. To say she expected it would be a lie. She now slowly closed the door attempting to be as quiet as possible as she looked a the pair, both asleep on the couch.

Alastor's head was resting against his hand but his eyes were closed as soft breaths escaped him. With that calm smile, she questioned if he was actually asleep or just sitting there with closed eyes. Angel was laying down on the couch, his head resting on the other's lap as a pink blanket draped over him.

She smiled at the scene in front of had been a while since she saw Angel so relaxed and it was comforting to know someone aside from herself could make him feel safe enough to let his guard down. She suddenly jolted when one of Alastor's eyes opened to look at her as if sensing she was there without needing to look.

He opened the other eye and turned to look at her, he hadn't said anything but just raised a brow. Cherri seeming to get the quiet message pointed to her wristwatch and then to Angel after mouthing 'meeting'. The redhead nodded and Cherri simply gave a thumbs up before leaving the office and the two love birds alone.

Alastor watched her go and waited till the door was closed once more before looking down at the sleeping beauty on his lap. Angel appeared so innocent, strains of blonde hair covering his face as his mouth hung ajar slightly, light breaths escaping them. Alastor's eyes remained on the other's lips for a brief moment before closing his eyes and shaking his head.

He slowly moved the hand draped over Angel's back and placed it on his shoulder, shaking it gently.

"Angel, it is time to wake up." He spoke softly, nudging the others shoulder...a soft groan escaped his boyfriend as he stirred slightly. Alastor chuckled; "Cher it's time to get up." The redhead spoke softly, his accent slipping out a bit but not enough to be noticeable. Angel groaned once more turning on his back so his face was facing up, he moved an arm resting it on top of his eyes.

"I don't want to.," he muttered. Alastor's smile grew as he leaned down..the radio static surrounding his voice fading a bit.
"Don' make meh kiss ya now Cher." It didn't take long for Angel to jolt up with red cheeks. Ah yes, that seemed to do the trick. The blonde crossed his arms as he sent a threatening glare to the other over his shoulder. With the random strains of hair sticking out, wrinkled clothing and just that pouty look Angel was more adorable than threatening to Alastor.

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