Chapter One.

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"Can we go ice-skating today?" I question, leaning against the kitchen counter, waiting for my cup of tea to cool down slightly. "If that's what you want to do" Mitchell replies, smirking at me. "I can't ice skate though" I whine. "I know, that's why it's funny that you suggested it" He chuckles. "I want to do something fun with you, it's going to be months before i see you again" I mumble. "It's not going to be that long" He chuckles. I roll my eyes. "It's a forty eight day tour, you're telling me that isn't that long" I mumble. "So, it's what two months?" He replies, looking at his calender on his phone. I shake my head laughing. "What's so funny?" Sam asks, walking into the kitchen. I look him up and down noticing his just wearing some grey joggers and his hair is all over the place. "Do you even own a top? do i need to buy you some for your birthday" Mitch chuckles, as i stand there wide eyed, mouth open slightly. "Look's like Elle doesn't agree with you Mitchy" Sam chuckles, grabbing a cup from next to me, making me pull my eyes from his abs that he wasnt afraid to show off. "Dude" Mitch laughs, throwing a tea towel at me. I roll my eyes, picking up my cup of tea and walking with Mitch into the living room.

"You need to snap out of the fantasy you have with my brother, it's weird" He chuckles, as we sit down on the sofa. I roll my eyes, i didnt have a fantasy with Sam, he was attractive and he knew it - correction he was hot and he knew it. I guess people could say i had a crush on Sam, but he was my best friends brother, more importantly he was like my older brother too. Sam had been there for me through my parents divorce, he supported me when Mitch didnt know how to. "So, did we decide what we was doing? Pel said he might tag along" Mitch states, looking up from his phone quickly, before looking back down at it. "Why dont we see if everyone wants to go to the fair?" I ask, thinking about the travelling fair that was in town for this weekend. "That's an idea, i'll drop it in the group chat" He smiles, as i hear Sam's phone go off in the kitchen. "A fair day? that's really how you want to spend you last fleeting moments with my brother" Sam chuckles, emerging in the door way. I roll my eyes. "You havent got to come" I mutter. "I wouldnt miss it for the world Ellie" He smirks, I roll my eyes again, he knows i hate being called Ellie when my name was pronounced El.

"Everyone's going to meet us there in around an hour" Mitch states, smiling quickly at me. I nod my head looking at my phone. "Maybe we can catch the fireworks as well?" I ask, giving him the puppy eyes which I knew he couldn't say no to. He sighs but nods his head. "Our last day together for a while. But you're still coming for the weekend in Manchester right?" Mitch asks, he knew I had my tickets ready and I'm pretty sure I was already packed for it. "Manchester, Birmingham and the last few shows in London" I smile. "I don't know what I'm going to do without you for a while" Mitch replies sadly. "Well at least I have Ellie" I smile back, trying to make him feel better when I knew I'd be making him feel worse. Ellie was Sam and Mitch's sister, we was close too, but I had grew up with Mitch so I was automatically closer to Mitch. "You're staying at your dads in Manchester aren't you?" Mitch questions. "Yup" I reply, looking over my phone quickly. "But Ashley said as soon as I touch down or get off the train to give you a call and you'd meet me so that I can get into the arena" I chuckle as he nods his head. "Selfie?" I ask as he rolls his eyes. Over the years Mitch had gone from being someone who loved photos to hating them, rarely smiling in them, almost as if he refused to show emotion, but this followed after his first break up. "Say Tour Time" I chuckle as he rolls his eyes, I poke his cheek and manage to capture a smile. "That is not going on Instagram" he mumbles. "Oh it totally is" I chuckle.

"Right are you two ready to go?" Sam asks walking back into the room, fully dressed. He was wearing a white t-shirt that showed his abs off, you could see them through the t-shirt and the way the top cling to his arms it didn't leave much to the imagination either way, he topped the look off with some black jeans and white nikes, he was always colour coordinated. "Are you both prepared to be mobbed by fans?" I ask as we get in the car, slowly realising we was heading to a public place. "It shouldn't be that bad, well for me anyway" Mitch chuckles but it felt forced. He always felt like he was a member of the group that was less recognised for what he did, but he was there from the beginning and he didn't plan on stopping now. It was just a shame that people had picked favourites, favouring others more than others. I loved all of the guys the same, they were beginning to be a second family to me, even if it took some time to warm up to them.

The car ride to the fairground make do car park was quick, i didnt know if it was quick because Sam attempted to break every speed limit there was, or quick because the car ride consited of singing to our hearts content and rapping as awful as we could, this is what life was like, and i didnt want to go through another tour without Mitch, but this was the reality of his life. "Where is everyone?" I ask, looking up through Sam's tinted windows at the outside world. I'm met bu Jordan's face pressed against Sam's window and Perri chuckling, making me burst into fits of laughter, It wasn't just Mitch i was going to miss.

I jump out of the car and into Perri's arm's who's still laughing. "Elle" Perri chuckles, embracing me into a hug, giving me a face full of his Afro, making me laugh even more. "Pel" I mumble into his hair, just hugging him. Everyone always thought me and Perri would end up together, being teenage sweethearts, but the truth of the matter is as good looking as Perri was, as kind hearted as he was, the incredible person he had become, my heart didnt belong to him, it never had, it never would. I look over at Sam who was placing his sunglassses on his head, sweeping his hair back with his hand, the sun catching him in the right way, making him look like a model. I sigh. "You've got it so bad" Perri chuckles. I roll my eyes, pushing his shoulder playfully. "Right, dodgem first?" Jordan chuckles, messing up my hair. I scowl at him, trying to sort it out whilst Perri puts his into a tidy bun in seconds, i didnt understand how he could make a bun look so good when i had been doing it for years and here he was as a beginner and i still couldnt make mine look as good. "Dibs being with Elle" Mitch states from behind me, my eye's still glancing over at Sam. "I think Elle wanted to be with Sam" Perri chuckles, making me roll my eyes. "Nah Uh, Elle knows my brother's off limits, rule 7 right?" Mitch chuckles.

When me and Mitch was younger and started to become inspereable, he made me sign a contract of rules for our friendship, rule 7 being 'no dating siblings or family members'. Mitch was fine on that front, i didnt have any siblings, Mitch on the other hand did, a very attractive one at that. "Yeah, of course" I reply, forcing a smile.

The slowly growing group of Diversity and me walk towards the enterance of the fair, all queing to pay to get in. Mitch and Perri were engrossed in covnersation abou the new updates Ashley had been talking about. Jordan and Ashley were talking about what they had got left to pack. Theo and Adam were talking into Theo's camera like it was the only thing that normal people did. Starr and Geo were taking selfies, Liv photobombing them where she founds appropriate. Nathan was talking to Warren and Terry, asking about the baby Diversity's, the new generation. I look up and see Sam stood next to me, looking me up and down, before he catches my gaze and looks away. I look up at Sam who was now on his phone, acting like everything was normal.

I feel my phone vibrate in my hand.


Meet me at the exit of the dodgems at 3, i need to tell you something.

i look over at him and catch the small smile on his face, my stomach errupting into butterflies, the only good thing coming out of tour was Sam leaving, meaning i had two months where i would be over him, before every feeling i felt for him come flooding back when he arrived home.

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