Chapter Twenty.

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I sat in my room and cried. I never expected them words to leave my mouth, it didn't matter how much I had thought about them, it just happened.
I decide there's only one person I feel like I can talk to right now, and part of me always knew this used to be Mitch but right now, it couldn't be him, it couldn't ever be him since he didn't want me and Sam together in the first place.

I scroll through my contacts and listen to the dialling tone. "Yo Jord shut up bro, Els on the phone" I hear him shout and the line erupt into chuckles as I sniff. "Yo El? What's up?" His calming voice sounds through the phone. "Pel, I need to see you" I croak, as I hear a sigh. "You coming to the hotel?"? He whispers and I hear a door bang behind him, indicating he had gone somewhere more quiet. "I'll meet you at Costa?" I whisper. "Of course, I'll be there ASAP" he states and I nod my head hanging the phone up.

I sit in my room for a moment longer, the tears falling down my face silently. I didn't know why I was emotional, I wanted this, but I also didn't. I knew that me and Sam couldn't be together right now, and that was okay with me, but I new I wouldn't be able to watch him be with someone else, I knew that would break me. But right now I needed to focus on me, be the person I wanted to be, correct my mistake of pushing my best friend away, even if pushing him away made me happier, but I needed to fix it, I needed to fix everything.

I walk to Costa, the cold air nipping at me, taking my breath away. My earphones were placed in my ear, Lose You To Love Me playing softly down my ears, but blocking out any unwanted noise.

I walk into Costa, It was quiet, a lot quieter than it was when I used to come here for time away, but the curly haired afro stuck out like a sore thumb, it was obvious it was Perri. I walk over as he looks up, his eyes meeting mine. He stands up from the table he was sat at and opens his arms, allowing me to walk straight into them. "What's going on? are you okay? you didn't sound right on the phone" He whispers, as I burst into tears and he pulls me closer, just letting my cry into his chest. He plays with the back of my head, stroking my hair softly, shushing me quietly as he just holds me.

"Talk when you're ready, I've got all night" He chuckles as I pull away and stare into his brown eyes. "I've been keeping a secret" I whisper. He looks at me, indicating for me to carry on. "I've been in a relationship with Sam for the past two weeks" I whisper as his eyes go wide, showing me he had heard what I had said. "And?" He questions, as we sit down on the red sofa, his arms tugging me down to sit next to him and tell him the story of me and Sam. "We broke up" I whisper. "I broke up with him" I continue, as Perri nods his head. "I cant keep lying to Mitch its killing me, he isn't ready to hear the words 'im seeing your brother' he isn't ready for me to be with someone else, and it was killing his relationship with Sam, i couldn't be that girl anymore, I couldn't drive the wedge through Diversity, I love you guys too much" I whisper, as another tear rolls down my face and Perri wipes it away. "I personally think your thinking too much into it, you've let yourself be happy and its almost like you cant take that so you've ruined it, just to make someone else happy" He whispers, as I nod my head, he wasn't wrong.

The truth is keeping secrets from people you love eats you alive, no matter how happy that secret makes you. The secret of being in love with my best friends brother had eaten up at me, but never effected me and Mitch, but being with my best friends brother had. I pull my phone out of my pocket whilst resting on Perri's shoulder and look over the last picture me and Sam had taken, Perri's eyes looking down. "Tell me honestly, if it wasn't for Mitch, or how he would react would you guys still be together?" He asks softly, I nod my head, I believe that things would of worked better, things would of been easier., but I knew that I would have lost my best friend due to it, and I felt torn thinking about it.

"I think you should tell Mitch, be honest with him" He whispers. "Even if you're not with Sam anymore, even if theres nothing for him to be in a huff about anymore, the secret that you was still together without him knowing will kill you, i know you well enough to tell you that" He whispers. I look up at Perri who's smiling softly down at me.

"Do you think I was too harsh on Sam?" I ask, as Perri sighs. "From that photo, the way he looks at you out of the corner of his eye, the way his smiling, you've lost something good, the real question is are you really going to let your best friend, or so called best friend right now decide your future?" He whispers, as I look back down at the photo, me and Sam in the dressing room, his arms around me, smiling like a goon.

I scroll through my contacts, clicking on Mitch's name.

We need to talk tomorrow morning, i'll meet you in your hotel room.

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