Chapter Three

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"You've been quite all day since the dodgems, are you okay?" Perri asks as we sit down at some food van the rest of the guys arguing about what they wanted. I nod my head, giving him a small smile. The truth of the matter was I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened with Sam. I knew he probably thought the kiss was nothing and had shrugged it off like it was nothing, but to me it was everything. I felt the sparks, I felt the tingle, had he not felt it too?
"You like Sam don't you" Perri chuckles, making me roll my eyes. Me and Perri was close, and some would argue that I was closer with Perri to Mitch but I knew that I loved them both the same. Perri maybe the quietest of the group but that by no means meant he didn't pick things up, if Perri was quiet it was usually because he was figuring out the dynamics of what was going on, everything spinning around his head and making sense before it made sense to anyone else, he was smart like that. "You can deny it as much as you want El but despite him having a slight reputation he hasn't seen or been with anyone in a while" Perri sings, almost as if his telling me I'm the reason for it. "Even if I did have anything for him, I couldn't because of Mitch, he lives by the rules we made" I chuckle, watching Mitch and Sam mess around in the corner of my eyesight. "You also made them rules when you was 7, surely it's time to let that go" he whispers, following my eye like and smirking at Mitch and Sam. "It's not just that though Pel, if anything happened with me and Sam how do I know that wouldn't effect me and Mitch? What if things turned sour does that mean I love all my friends? All of you guys?" I whisper, looking down at the table, suddenly finding the napkins interesting. "A wise female once told me that if you don't take a chance it could be something you regret missing out on. You want a life built on this actually happened instead of a life of what ifs or maybes" he smiles at me, I knew what he was saying because I had told him that previously about Perri going on Celebs Go Dating. I shake my head smiling slightly. "We can agree to disagree but I personally think that maybe you need to give yourself more credit, I think Sam has a thing for you and I know you better than you know yourself sometimes, just trust me on this one" he smirks before getting up and heading over to Jordan.

I relax back in the seat taking my surroundings of the boys in, the girls had gone to the shopping centre, not that they wasn't enjoying the day at the fair it was more the fact they needed last minute bits for tour but we're meeting us back here for the fireworks, which I could wait for, there was just something about fireworks what's amused me, I could watch them for hours despite the loud bangs and bright colours. "You're deep in thought" a voice whisper form beside me. I turn my face and see Sam's brown eyes staring into mine. "You know just procasinating" I chuckle, looking down at my lands that were rested softly in my lap. "Look about before" he whispers, placing his hand on my arm indicating to look at him whilst he spoke, I shake my head "I get it Sam it was something that shouldn't of happened" I chuckle. He shakes his head sighing. "There's something about you El, I haven't quite figured it out but I know that when we go away I miss you, probably a lot more than I should and I don't know why, well I don't want to admit why, your my brothers best friend" he whispers and my heart slowly drops. "I'm around Mitch's all the time, I'm sure it's normal to miss someone you kinda see everyday and then suddenly don't" I whisper, smiling up at him slightly. "It's not that though, there's more to it and you know what I'm saying" he whispers, placing his hand on mine gently, instantly making me feel warm. I shake my head, pulling my hand away. "We know that if there was anything between us it couldn't happen, we both know why we both know the repercussions of dating and it going wrong and what follows it. I don't want to hurt you, but more importantly I don't want to hurt Mitch" I whisper, looking away from him and turning my gaze to Mitch who was flipping around with Perri, Jordan videoing them. I hear Sam sigh from next to me. "If you live your life following rules you made up when you were both 7 you'll never live, if there's something between us are you really going to let that go away because of something you spoke about when you were 7?" Sam whispers, turning my face to look at him.

I stare into his brown eyes, feeling them bore into my soul. He was right. Me and Mitch had made up several rules when we were younger and I guess that came from living in the shadow of someone who was popular, who was always classed as the better looking one. Mine and Mitch's rules were a typical best friend pact, silly things that we agreed to do to make each other happier, but Sam was right, Perri was right. "If you change your mind you know where I'm going to be for 50 days. But I won't wait forever Ellie" he chuckles, placing his lips to my forehead before moving of the table and just leaving me sat here.

I think of how I felt about Sam, how he made me feel, he made me feel things I didn't know was possible and had only fully figured out today from him kissing me, even if it was accidental. My gaze shifts back to Mitch and Perri who Sam had now joined and were having a small competition on who could do the best flip with the perfect landing, and I knew that Perri had this in the bag. I feel the bench shift slightly and feel Ashley's presence next to me, I knew it was Ashley without looking from his cologne, a good way to tell them all apart without looking was how they all smelt. "Penny for your thoughts?" Ashley asks, smiling down at me. "I don't think it's anything you could help me with, but thank you" I whisper, smiling up at him. "Sometimes you take the risk El, everyone always thought it would be you and Pel, but I always knew it was Sam who caught your eye" he smiles, making me roll my eyes. "Me and Sam can't happen, it would break Mitch" I whisper. Ashley nods his head, agreeing with what I was saying. "But El, sometimes you have to break the rules, rules are made to be broken" he chuckles, passing me a bowl of chips he had brought over, I think about what he said, the words spinning around my head.

Rules were made to be broken.


It wasn't long until we were all sat on the top of the hill, waiting for the fireworks to begin, the excitement building up inside me. "You look like a kid at Christmas" Jordan chuckles, taking a photo of me staring at the stars, waiting for the fireworks to start. I look across to everyone who was sat here, this was a moment in time where everything stopped, where everything was quiet, everyone was silent, just enjoying each other's company. I look at Starr and Geo who are cuddled up together laughing and taking videos for Instagram, I look at Ashley and Jordan who are messing around, seeing the playful side of Ashley you don't always see. I look at Mitch and Pel who are sat listening to music, talking over Instagram. I look at Sam who's leaning against the tree on his phone, his eyes gazing at the star above him. I take a quick boomerang video before posting it to Instagram, watching the comments and likes flood my screen. "Why was I not in your video" Sam chuckles from behind me. "You was on the phone I didn't want to record your personal life for people to see" I whisper, watching his face fall slightly, but I couldn't work out why. "Well how about we take another one with the fireworks going off?" He asks, smiling down at me. I nod my head, shivering slightly it was getting colder. "Here have my jacket" he whispers, slipping his jacket off and wrapping it around my shoulders, burying me. I shake my head "no I'm fine honestly" I whisper, but I couldn't help smiling at the smell of the jacket. "I'm not going to let you freeze to death, I'm not that kind of person" he chuckles, wrapping his arm around me pulling me close to him. "Aw did we miss the get together?" Perri chuckles as the warning bell rings for the fireworks, I shake my head laughing. "Yeah, they'd get together over my dead body" Mitch chuckles, laughing.

If only he knew that it's what we both wanted, well at least I think we both want.

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