Chapter Sixteen.

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It had been a week since Sam had injured himself on tour. He never broke a bone but did manage to pull a ligament, he was told he couldn't take part in a couple of shows, but Sam being Sam made some appearances on stage with his crutches. The show didn't falter, the boys changing the choreography slightly to make sure the show still ran smoothly. It was just a shame to sit and watch Sam have to watch the boys perform without him and I couldn't imagine what he was feeling, the thoughts of his family doing what he loved to do without him.

I never told Mitch, I had managed to keep the secret, keeping it to ourselves and Ashley, and of course Ellie who was so excited to see us at the next stop. I only had a couple of days left with the guys, but we was now in Birmingham, my Dads home town and I couldn't wait to see him, spend some time with him and have the fatherly advice that I didn't think I needed but probably did need.

"You're daydreaming again" Mitch chuckles, throwing a pillow at me on the bus whilst I stared out the window. I shrug and play attention to whatever him and Perri we're taking about. "So, what time are you meeting your dad? Did you say he was coming to tonight's show?" Mitch asks. "I'm gonna go straight round to the town centre when we get off the bus his going to meet me at Costa and then I'm gonna bring him with me, it'll be nice not to have to sleep in a hotel tonight" I chuckle, as Perri roles his eyes. "We live a life of luxury" he chuckles, as he goes back to scrolling through Instagram, answering questions with the fans. "You never said why you was holding his hand" Mitch mumbles, looking over at me, the cold eyes I had seen that day backstage reappearing, making me shudder. Mitch always struggled with showing emotions since his breakup with Kim, but I never expected him to be emotionless with me, but truth be known I was now learning what his emotionless side was like. "If you was hurt would you expect me to not hold your hand?" I question, rolling my eyes slightly as his comment. "You know what I mean Elle" he says, his voice sounding bitter. I roll my eyes, he used my full first name which meant he was mad. "Fine, whatever" I mutter, standing up from my seat earning a look from Perri as I walked down the back of the bus sitting with Starr and Geo.

"Do you guys argue all the time?" I mutter, plonking myself down next to them as they look between each other and laugh. "Well we argue, but not everyday" Starr replies, trying to smile. "But then again we're both females, our opinions are usually the same" Geo continues, smiling. "Just my best friend that's acting like an idiot then" I mumble, as I pull my headphones out and place them in my ears, the loud music filling my ears, as I drift off into another day dream.

I was excited to see my dad, I hadn't seen him in a while. Since I had moved out from my mums and owned my own place I was often in between places, if I wasn't at Mitch's or mine I was at dads, and if I wasn't at mine or dads I was at Mitch's. I used to stay more at Mitch's than I did my own place and it caused confusion with the fans thinking we was together but Mitch would always just be my best friend.
My phone buzzes knocking my thoughts out of focus and I look down at my phone. Mitch.

Am I still coming to your dads? I'm sorry about how I've been.
It's up to you, not gonna force you, but if you need me to hold your hand I guess I could, if that's okay like?
Drop the sarcasm El, I overreacted it's okay.
Overacting is your new nature I swear.
Well, how about I buy your fave at Costa? Make it up to you bit by bit.

I smile to myself, it was a start.

Double chocolate muffin and you have a deal.
Deal it is then ElleBelly.

I smile to myself, as Sam texts me.

Costa date?
I'm going Costa with Mitch and Dad.. another time?
That's fine then, unless you want me to tag?
I think it's best you stay with the guys.. Mitch isn't too pleased about hand holding.
This is doing my f'n nut in, your my girlfriend.
You know the rules.. it's not going to be forever.
Feels like it will be, would we have to get married in secret too?

I laugh to myself, causing Geo and Starr to look at me weird. I shake my head, and write a reply.

Marriage? Too soon bro too soon.
Bro? How about babe?
I'll meet you back at the venue, maybe you can sneak off to dads tonight? Say it's an early physio session?
I like your thoughts babe.

I smile to myself as the bus comes to a stop and I fart of the bus before anyone has chance to ask where I'm going, or even stand up for that matter.

I jump off the last step, grabbing my bags from the baggage holder, everyone looking at me with smiles on their faces. "Elles homeee" I shout as I happy dance around the car park, the whole of diversity laughing at me. I wouldn't change this for the world though.

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