Chapter Four

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Subaru's POV

"Eh! What's this! Subaru's looking at jewellery, is it for Yume?" Asihi teased.
"When did you get behind me?" I frowned.
"Just a moment ago," he smiled. "So what are you gunna get her?"
"A necklace I think," I frowned.
"Why not get her a ring," Asihi suggested. I chocked at his words.
"A ring?" I coughed.
"Oh my? Your were thinking about a engagement ring weren't you? I only meant a simple ring, Subaru do you want to marry Yume?" He grinned
"S-shut up," I stuttered.
"Oh my! Are you feeling shy!" Asihi continued to tease me.
"Asihi that's enough," Nozumu sighed. "If Subaru wants Yume to be his bride we shouldn't laugh at him,"
"When did I ever say that!" I yelled.
"Isn't it supposed to be the blushing bride but here we have a blushing groom," Kanata smirked.
"You guys are the worst," I told them.
"Well not everyone can be as perfect as Yume," Nozumu smiled.
"It's really not our fault, Subaru," Asihi shrugged.
"All of you be quiet! God you're so annoying!" I yelled in annoyance.
"Sorry sorry!" Asihi smiled without any regret on his face. I glared at him since I didn't believe him at all.
"Why don't you buy her this?" Nozumu suggested pointing at a small locket. On the front it had a small pattern of a flower.
"That's a good idea," Kanata nodded.
"But does he have the money for it?" Asihi wondered.
"I never said I was gonna buy a gift in the first place," I started pushing them away but turned around for one last look at the locket. It was perfect for her though...

Yume's POV

"Yume look at this!" Laura yelled suddenly. I quickly sat up instead of laying on my bed reading a magazine.
"What is it?" I asked as she shoved her phone in my face. I read the article she was showing me. "Huh? Yuki Subaru's part time job? What the....?"
"Since when did Subaru get a part time job?" Laura asked me. I shrugged.
"I don't know, he hasn't said anything to me," I told her.
"Yume!" Mahiru burst into the room followed by Koharu and Ako. "Since when did Subaru get a part time job?"
"Not sure," I told them. "Is it really a big deal?" I frowned, wanting to work somewhere isn't unusual.
"But hasn't M4 been getting a lot of work lately, isn't he gunna be exhausted, beside he doesn't really need a job," Ako told me. Ah! She's right! Subaru has been looking really tired for a while now. I was worried about him but I get it now.
"I wonder if he's okay," Koharu frowned.

Asihi's POV

"Subaru! Where are you?" I called walking into his dorm room. He's not here. I sighed and closed the door. We were all planning to go out so I was told to go get Subaru. I made my way down to where Nozumu and Kanata were waiting but I saw something on the ground. "Subaru!" I panicked. He was passed out on the floor with a fever.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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