My Holo Love (2020)

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Writer: Rye Yong-Jae

Network: Netflix

Episodes: 12

Release Date: February 7, 2020

Genre: Science Fiction and Romance


So-Yeon (Ko Sung-Hee) has a problem recognizing faces. Due to this, she keeps a distance from other people. So-Yeon becomes a beta tester for hologram AI Holo (Yoon Hyun-Min).Al Holo is completely on her side. Being with So-Yeon, AI Holo realizes the limit of artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, Nan-Do (Yoon Hyun-Min)is the developer of AI Holo. Nan-Do has the same physical appearance as AI Holo, but his personality is completely different. While watching So-Yeon and AI Holo, he feels something that he has never felt before.


I loved this drama so much. I have re watched it so much since it came out this year. It's a beautiful drama that shows how you shouldn't be quick to judge and opening your heart can make you a better person. Yoon Hyun-Min is so handsome and he use to a professional baseball player, but he fell in love with acting and quit all sports. This drama showed how so many of us crave a companion and some may not care if their real or not. I felt like it related so much to the world, and just Ko Sung-Hee is so beautiful and such an amazing actress. It has every emotion you can feel in a drama.

My Rating: 10/10

Ending: 10/10 <- it was so cute

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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