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The night before our wedding, Izuku gave me all of what looked to be his 'Hero Studies For The Future' notebooks. I flipped them open- that was just what the cover said. They were all his journals, and he had poured out his heart onto the pages. He left me alone in our bedroom to digest them, and we would talk about some of the contents over the years. One thing we had an unspoken agreement to never discuss, however, was the revelation of just who my now-husband is. On page thirty-two of number 8, dated as the start of our first year at UA, Izuku had written:

"I'm pretty sure I'm not technically a guy. Journal, I think I'm genderqueer."

That page was stained with long-dried tears- from happiness over finally writing it, or from the pain of having to hide it away, I never did ask.


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