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I was the number ten hero way back when. Not very impressive, not really, but it was cool for me to have beat out some of my former classmates, who always looked down on me. But when I was nineteen, soon after graduation, everything just sort of fell apart. I hold no hard feelings towards Denki for what happened in that battle that afternoon, though the media vilified him to an extent. We were fighting a relatively low-level villain, but a powerful one showed up. Denki and I had gotten in an argument before the villain showed up- about what, I can't remember. But when that second villain arrived... Denki didn't know just how bad the situation was, and because he was mad at me, he let his electric shocks miss his target. And I couldn't fight fast enough. Got struck. Fell to the ground. Both villains got fought off. And just as my friend ran to my side, the attack kicked in.

I was the number ten hero. That high rank would soon be low, and my career as a Pro Hero would be over. Because ever since that day, I've been quirkless. The changes didn't immediately kick in- they started with the balls on my head becoming purple hair, I grew two feet slowly but surely, and by the time I was twenty, I could pass for any random person on the street. Around then, I realized something life-changing.

I've been publicly out and proud ever since.


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