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Anger management classes help. At least, that's what Kiri and Hanta say, though I dunno if I believe them. Because recently, some really annoying American bastards joined the most recent group I've been attending, just as I was starting to have fun there and open up a little. The religious mumbo-jumbo that those nerds spout is sometimes a little much, so when I encourage Kiri to go hang out with friends on Thursday nights when the classes are, I rarely go. I just log on to a random chat site and gripe about my frustrations to, of all people, somebody who's in Europe- France, I think. Yeah, I vent to Mina. She's actually a good listener, gives good advice. And sometimes, instead of me ranting, me and her just video call and talk about the most routine aspects of our lives- somehow, we end up laughing hysterically.

And because we all get lonely- while nobody's at home, I sit at my kitchen table with a bowl of soba and a laptop, and video call with Tokoyami, Aoyama, and Mina- we have our own little soba meets.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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