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I feel the most alone at the Class A monthly soba meets. I've only been to a couple, and even then, by myself, and every time I've felt so out of place. Nobody there is straight, that's not the issue. The issue is listening to the guys talk, remembering my voice as it once was and how long I went without my voice being like theirs. The issue is listening to the girls talk, being brought back to a time where my voice sounded like theirs and everybody saw me as being like them. And I can't bring up my struggles in a room of people having fun; there's nobody like me there that would understand my issues, or even simply listen to what they are. So the few times I've gone, I've kept up the 'manly' act, the confident act. Katsuki's encouraged me to hang out with friends, so I have.

I haven't had the heart to tell him I'd rather stay home with wine, a movie, and him.

-E.B. (formerly E.K.)

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