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Creatures of Grimm, many consider them to be mindless beasts and most are. Like other creatures they are capable of empathy and can be caring, at least that's what (Y/N) thought. His first memory is of being left in an orphanage by his parents. The place was terrible, the leaders abused him for five years and (Y/N) rarely had food. One night there was a Grimm attack, the people in charge ran away leaving the children behind. The Grimm walked through the halls eating the children they found along the way. One Grimm entered a small room that was about a meter and a half by a meter and a half. It reaches in and pulls out a small, malnourished child. Having her own cub the Grimm was appalled. It gently cradled the child and brought it to its alpha.

"My Alpha, look how they treat their cubs" the Grimm says

"It is weak, eat it or I will" the alpha says looking down on her.

"I would like to keep it" the Grimm begs

"Fine, but if it becomes a burden to the pack I'm eating it" the alpha says caving to its best mate

"Of course" the Grimm says, setting the child on its back as the pack moves away.

Years later

It was (Y/N)'s 18th birthday, his last day with the pack. He was sitting in a tree watching the sun go down. Suddenly he hears a twig break behind him. (Y/N) turns around to see his mother standing there.

"Hey mom" (Y/N) says dropping out of the tree

"(Y/N), I want you to know that Alpha will miss you, even if he doesn't act like it"

"I know mom, you told me yesterday" (Y/N) says looking at her suspiciously

"I know, I thought I'd bring you something we found after we found you" (Y/N)'s mother says dropping a folder at his feet. (Y/N) picks it up and sees his name at the top. He opens it and sees a small picture of him at a younger age with a bunch of notes in a language he doesn't understand.

"Mom, what is this writing?" (Y/N) asks and his mother sits next to him

"It's the language of the human son. You need to go back to the humans to start your own pack, I have some human books for you" she says taking more books off her back and setting them next to (Y/N)

"I'll miss you mom" (Y/N) says leaning on his mother as a tear rolls down his cheek

"I'll miss you too son" she says and Alpha walks over.

"Look (Y/N), I know you and I haven't always gotten along," Alpha says looking down, "but I want you to stay here until tomorrow so the pack can protect you through the night"

"Thanks Alpha, but I need to leave at midnight like everyone else. Besides, brother taught me how to hide from enemies"

"We'll miss you (Y/N)" Alpha says and he and (Y/N)'s mother walk away. (Y/N) goes back into his tree and waits until the moon is directly above him before jumping out of his tree and walking towards a nearby town.

(Y/N) has been away from his old pack for a month and in that time he has learned a little human, but he couldn't speak it very well or so he's been told. Today was (Y/N)'s first day of something the humans called work. He walks down the road and into a small restaurant. (Y/N) grabbed an apron and big plastic bin and went around clearing tables and washing dishes. After he's allowed to go home (Y/N) goes into the forest for some alone time. He jumps into a tree and ends up falling asleep on a branch.

When (Y/N) wakes up in the morning he smells smoke. He jumps out of the tree and sees flames coming from the town. (Y/N) sneaks around to the front gates and sees people wearing masks taking supplies out of the village. Two armed men get near his hiding position and he grabs them both, slices their necks, and drags them into the woods before (Y/N) hides himself. Hours later, when the sun was low, (Y/N) emerges from his hiding spot and goes back into the city. He looks at all the charred remains in the streets and the buildings that have almost fallen over. (Y/N) looks around the burnt out city until he hears a loud roaring sound. (Y/N) dives under a house and covers himself in soot as a large metal beast lands in the middle of what used to be the town square. Five people get out, a girl with black hair and a bow, a girl with black hair that has a hint of red in it when it reflects in the sun, a girl with white hair, a girl with yellow hair, and a woman with pale blonde hair. (Y/N) waits for the group to pass him and something in him tells him to not kill them. (Y/N) grabs the girl with yellow hair and holds his knife to her neck.

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