Meeting a New Friend

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After asking any of the staff around if they'd seen (Y/N), Velvet and Coco began to turn the store upside down. They checked places they knew he wouldn't fit just to make sure they checked everywhere. 

"Do you guys have cameras?" Coco asks 

"Uhh, I think we do" one of the employees says leading the two to the back room. They watch the video, but it doesn't give them much to go off of since (Y/N) just gets up and walks away. 

Velvet and Coco managed to find out that (Y/N) had walked into the woods over five kilometres away. There weren't any settlements in the direction some people said (Y/N) went, so they decided to head back to Beacon and tell Ozpin what had happened.

(Y/N) was walking through the jungle towards a strange force that compelled him to come. (Y/N) made it to a clearing with a cave in the center and walked in. 

"Are you the one?" a voice asks

"The one?"

"Are you the one?"

"What does that mean?"

"Are you the one to bring back our species?"

"Bring back? I'm human, there's a lot of us"

"No, you aren't. Ozpin told you what you are, a Cambion"

"How do you know what Ozpin told me?" (Y/N) asks freaking out slightly as he looks around the cave

"I have been watching you for quite some time. You are not like a normal Cambion, neglected by humans, almost all demons were extinct so they couldn't help you, only saved by Grimm" 

"Let me see you"

"If you wish future lover" the voice says and a beautiful woman appears from the darkness.

"Who are you?" 

"I am the last demoness in existence, no other demon exists except me"

"What happened to the others?"

"The humans and angels attacked the demons leading to the Great War. After the demons lost the humans had the angels hunt the remaining demons down. We did our best to defend ourselves, but failed. Everyone fled and went into hiding, your parents refused to sit low until everything blew over and your mother ended up dying. Your father, in his grief, slept with a married woman and you were born. The couple knew what you were, and to protect you they put you in an orphanage where they knew your signature would be hidden from the few angels left. Due to the decades prior of angels hunting us the humans deemed their numbers small enough to kill off all of the angels. The humans killed the last of the angels when you were 8, but she had a daughter, Ruby Rose. I was only able to survive because of this dark cave"

"Ruby is an angel?"

"She is half human and half angel, that is why she has the silver eyes of the angels even though she is mortal" 

"Learn something new today"

"You must dominate her in order for me to come out of here, until then I will teach you. When you finish you and I can begin repopulating our species"

"Aren't we different species?"

"You are part demon, I am a demoness, it will work" the woman assures (Y/N) before she disappears back into the shadows.

"Wait! What is your name?"


"I'll be back soon" (Y/N) says and he leaves the cave.

"What do you mean you lost (Y/N)?!" Ozpin seethes

"He was sitting and Velvet and I went to talk and then he walked off while we were talking" Coco explains

"What do you mean walked off?"

"He got up and left on his own, we tried to find him, but met a dead end"

"Where is Velvet?" 

"She is getting dinner, she was hungry"

"I'm giving you two 24 hours to find him before I expel both of you for leaving school grounds without permission" suddenly Coco's scroll buzzes and she takes it out seeing a message from (Y/N.

"I'll be back soon, I needed to check something that I had a strange feeling about"

"When will you be back?"

"Ahh, about midnight" (Y/N) texts back. Coco shows Ozpin (Y/N)'s text and he says, 

"I don't care what he says, I care about him actually coming back. Wait for him outside"

"But it's going to be cold tonight"

"That doesn't sound like my problem" Ozpin says and he shoos her away. Coco sighs and walks to the benches outside of the main entrance. 

(Y/N) walked off the final transport back to Beacon. He makes his way to Beacon's main doors. (Y/N) sees a familiar shape sitting on on of the benches. He runs over and shakes her awake.

"Coco, Coco?"


"Why are you sitting out here? It's barely 5 C out"

"O-Ozpin made me s-sit o-out hers until y-you came b-back" Coco stutters and (Y/N) scoops her up. (Y/N) takes her to her room, pulls out her scroll, and unlocks the door. Velvet shoots awake and runs over accidentally waking up her two teammates.

"What happened?" Velvet asks, voice full of concern. 

"She say Ozpin made her stay outside" (Y/N) mumbles making his way over to the only other bed that would be free. When he sets Coco down she, in her semiconscious state, pulls (Y/N) down with her. "Could someone help me?"

"Sorry man" Fox apologizes

"She's really strong" Yatsuhashi finishes and they go back to sleep. 

"Let me help" Velvet says, but she just snuggles into the two. 

"These two are really hot" (Y/N) says and he starts panting. 

"Just take off your shirt" Coco mumbles and Velvet starts pulling (Y/N)'s shirt off. (Y/N) stops her and takes his own shirt off. Velvet traces the outlines of (Y/N)'s abs before falling asleep again. "Thank you" Coco mumbles before she starts snoring softly

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